A Java Interface for WMPI
MPI and PVM have been widely accepted for parallel programming and several implementations have been reported for clusters of UNIX workstations, supercomputers and parallel machines. In the recent past there has been an increasing use of MPI and PVM in clusters of personal computers running the Windows operating system. Traditionally, parallel programs have been developed in Fortran and C. However, the extraordinary success of the Java language has raised an impressive hype among the community of software programmers, in such a way that it seems quite promising that parallel programmers could also use Java in their applications. This can be assured if the communication libraries (PVM and MPI) could also provide a Java interface, thereby complementing the existing C and Fortran programming interfaces.In this paper, we describe the implementation of Java interface for WMPI, a Windows-based implementations of MPI that have been developed and supported by our group. We show some details about the implementation, a MPI programming example using Java and we present some experimental results that compare the performance of Java WMPI, Java WPVM and the C programs counterparts.
Parallel and Distributed ComputingConference
EuroPVM/MPI 98, September 1998Cited by
Year 2003 : 1 citations
1. Taboada GL, Tourino J, Doallo R "Performance modeling and evaluation of Java message-passing primitives on a cluster" RECENT ADVANCES IN PARALLEL VIRTUAL MACHINE AND MESSAGE PASSING INTERFACE LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE 2840: 29-36 2003
Year 2002 : 1 citations
1. M. Lobosco, C. Amorim, O. Loques "Java for high-performance network-based computing: a survey", Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Volume 14, Issue 1, Date: January 2002, Pages: 1-31.
Year 2000 : 1 citations
J. A. Mathew and H. A. James and K. A. Hawick, "Development Routes for Message Passing Parallelism in Java", Proc. of the ACM Java Grande 2000 Conference, 2000.
Year 1999 : 2 citations
Mark Baker, Bryan Carpenter, Geoffrey Fox, Sung Hoon Ko, Sang Lim "mpiJava: An object-oriented Java interface to MPI" in "Parallel and Distributed Processing" José Rolim (Ed.)Lecture Notes in Computer Science - 1586, 1999, pp 748-761, ISBN 3-540-65831-9.
K. A. Hawick and H. A. James. A Java-Based Parallel Programming Support Environment. Technical Report DHPC-0xx, Department of Computer Science, The University of Adelaide, November 1999.