Web-based Metacomputing with JET



Parallel and Distributed Computing


ACM 1997 Workshop on Java for Science and Engineering Computation, June 1997

Cited by

Year 1999 : 4 citations

 Michael May "Locust: A Brokerage System for Accessing Idle Resources for Web-Computing" 25th Euromicro Conference (EUROMICRO '99) 8 - 10 September, 1999, Milan, Italy.

 Mark Clement, Quinn Snell, Glenn Judd "High Performance Computing for the Masses" in "Parallel and Distributed Processing" José Rolim (Ed.)Lecture Notes in Computer Science - 1586, 1999, pp 748-761, ISBN 3-540-65831-9.

 Michael May, "Idle Computing Resources as Micro-Currencies - Bartering CPU Time for Online Content", WebNet 1999: Honolulu, Hawaii, USA - Volume 1, pp. 723-728, 1999.

 Michael May, "Distributed RC5 Decrypting as a Consumer for Idle-time Brokerage" DCW 99, Workshop on Distributed Computing on the Web, Rostock, Germany, June, 21nd-23rd 1999

Year 1998 : 1 citations

 1. G. Judd, M. Clement, Q. Snell, "The DOGMA Approach to High-Utilization Supercomputing", The Seventh IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing, July 1998, Chicago, Illinois