
Pedro Manuel Henriques da Cunha Abreu
University of CoimbraDepartment of Informatics Engineering
Polo II - Pinhal de Marrocos
3030-290 Coimbra
Cognitive and Media SystemsResearch interests
Medical InformaticsData Mining
Bioinformatic Applications
International Projects
Journal Articles
(1 publication)- Martins, N. and Cruz, J.M. and Tiago Cruz and Pedro Henriques Abreu , "Adversarial Machine Learning applied to Intrusion and Malware Scenarios: a systematic review", IEEE Access, 2020 [ DOI ]
(3 publications)- Miriam Seoane Santos and Ricardo Cardoso Pereira and Costa, A. and Soares, J.P. and Santos, J. and Pedro Henriques Abreu , "Generating Synthetic Missing Data: A Review by Missing Mechanism", IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 11651-11667, 2019 [ DOI ]
- Inês Domingues and Duarte, H. and Santos, J. and Pedro Henriques Abreu , "Computer vision in esophageal cancer: a literature review", IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 103080-103094, 2019
- Inês Domingues and Pereira, G. and Martins, P. and Duarte, H. and Santos, J. and Pedro Henriques Abreu , "Using deep learning techniques in medical imaging: a systematic review of applications on CT and PET", Artificial Intelligence Review, pp. 1-68, 2019
(3 publications)- Miriam Seoane Santos and Pedro Henriques Abreu and , G.R. and Gárcia-Laencina, P.J. , "Improving the Classifier Performance in Motor Imagery Task Classification: What are the steps in the classification process that we should worry about?", International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, vol. 11, pp. 1278-1293, 2018
- Pedro Henriques Abreu and Daniel Castro Silva and Gomes, A. , "Multiple Choice Questions In Programming Courses: Can We Use Them And Are Students Motivated By Them? (To appear)", ACM Transactions on Computing Education, 2018
- Miriam Seoane Santos and Soares, J.P. and Pedro Henriques Abreu and Araújo, H. and Santos, J. , "Cross-Validation for Imbalanced Datasets: Avoiding Overoptimistic and Overfitting Approaches", IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, vol. 13, pp. 59-76, 2018 [ DOI ]
(1 publication)- Nogueira, M. and Pedro Henriques Abreu and Martins, P. and Penousal Machado and Duarte, H. and Santos, J. , "An Artificial Neural Networks Approach for Automatic Assessment of Treatment Response in Oncological Patients using PET/CT images", BMC Medical Imaging, vol. 17, 2017 [ DOI ]
(6 publications)- Abreu, M.H. and Afonso, N. and Pedro Henriques Abreu , "Male breast cancer: Looking for better prognostic subgroups", The Breast, vol. 26, pp. 18-24, 2016
- Daniel Castro Silva and Pedro Henriques Abreu and Reis, L.P. and Oliveria, E. , "Development of Flexible Languages for Scenario and Team Description in Multi-Robot Missions", Journal of Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, pp. 18, 2016
- Abreu, M.H. and Pedro Henriques Abreu and Afonso, N. , "Patterns of Recurrence and Treatment in Male Breast Cancer: A Clue to Prognosis?", International Journal of Cancer, vol. 139, pp. 1715-1720, 2016
- Nogueira, M. and Pedro Henriques Abreu and Martins, P. and Penousal Machado and Duarte, H. and Santos, J. , "Image Descriptors in Healthcare Contexts: A Systematic Review", Artificial Intelligence Review, pp. 29, 2016
- Pedro Henriques Abreu and Santos, M. and Abreu, M.H. and Daniel Castro Silva , "Predicting Breast Cancer Recurrence using Machine Learning Techniques: A Systematic Review", Journal Of ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 49, pp. 1-40, 2016
- Pedro Henriques Abreu and Miriam Seoane Santos and Abreu, M.H. and Daniel Castro Silva , " Predicting Breast Cancer Recurrence Using Machine Learning Techniques: A Systematic Review", ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), vol. 49, pp. 1-40, 2016
(8 publications)- Gárcia-Laencina, P.J. and Pedro Henriques Abreu and Abreu, M.H. and Afonso, N. , "Missing data imputation on the 5-year survival prediction of breast cancer patients with unknown discrete values", CBM - Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 59, pp. 125-133, 2015
- Daniel Castro Silva and Pedro Henriques Abreu and Reis, L.P. and Oliveria, E. , "Development of a Flexible Language for Disturbance Description for Multi-Robot Missions", Journal of Simulation, 2015
- Abreu, M.H. and Afonso, N. and Pedro Henriques Abreu , "CYP2D6*4 polymorphism: a new marker of response to hormonotherapy in male breast cancer?", The Breast, vol. 24, pp. 481-486, 2015
- Penousal Machado and Tiago Martins and Amaro, H. and Pedro Henriques Abreu , "Beyond Interactive Evolution: Expressing Intentions Through Fitness Functions", Leonardo, 2015
- Santos, M. and Pedro Henriques Abreu and Gárcia-Laencina, P.J. and Simão, A. and Carvalho, A. , "A new cluster-based oversampling method for improving survival prediction of hepatocellular carcinoma patients", Journal of Biomedical Informatics, vol. 58, pp. 49-59, 2015
- Pedro Henriques Abreu and Daniel Castro Silva and Amaro, H. and Magalhães, R. , "Identification of Residential Energy Consumption Behaviours", Journal of Energy Engineering, vol. 142, pp. 10, 2015
- Abreu, M.H. and Afonso, N. and Pedro Henriques Abreu , "Male Breast Cancer: Looking for better prognostic subgroups", The Breast, 2015
- Miriam Seoane Santos and Pedro Henriques Abreu and Gárcia-Laencina, P.J. and Simão, A. and Carvalho, A. , " A new cluster-based oversampling method for improving survival prediction of hepatocellular carcinoma patients ", Journal of Biomedical Informatics, vol. 58, pp. 49-59, 2015
(6 publications)- Pedro Henriques Abreu and Daniel Castro Silva and Portela, J. and Mendes-Moreira, J. and Reis, L.P. , "Using Model-Based Collaborative Filtering Techniques to Recommend the Expected Best Strategy to Defeat a Simulated Soccer Opponent", IDA – Intelligent Data Analysis , vol. 18, pp. 973-991, 2014
- Pedro Henriques Abreu and Xavier, J. and Daniel Castro Silva and Reis, L.P. and Petry, M. , "Using Kalman Filters to Reduce Noise from RFID Location System,", The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2014, 2014
- Pedro Henriques Abreu and Daniel Castro Silva and Almeida, F. and Mendes-Moreira, J. , "Improving a Simulated Soccer Team Performance Through a Collaborative Filtering Approach", Applied Soft Computing, vol. 23, pp. 180-193, 2014
- Dias, J.C. and Penousal Machado and Daniel Castro Silva and Pedro Henriques Abreu , "An Inverted Ant Colony Optimization approach to Traffic", Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 36, pp. 122-133, 2014
- Daniel Castro Silva and Pedro Henriques Abreu and Reis, L.P. and Oliveria, E. , "Development of a Flexible Language for Mission Description for Multi- Robot Missions", Information Sciences Journal, vol. 288, pp. 27-44, 2014
- Cravo, J. and Almeida, F. and Pedro Henriques Abreu and Reis, L.P. and Lau, N. and Mota, L. , "Strategy planner: Graphical definition of soccer set-plays", Data & Knowledge Engineering, vol. 94, pp. 110-131, 2014
(1 publication)2012
(1 publication)Conference Articles
(4 publications)- Ricardo Cardoso Pereira and Pedro Henriques Abreu and Polisciuc, E. and Penousal Machado , "A Data Visualization Approach for Intersection Analysis using AIS Data", in Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2019) - Volume 3: IVAPP, 2019 [ DOI ]
- Martins, N. and Cruz, J.M. and Tiago Cruz and Pedro Henriques Abreu , "Analysing the Footprint of Classifiers in Adversarial Denial of Service Contexts", in in Proc of 19th EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Vila Real, Portugal, September 3rd-6th, 2019, 2019 [ DOI ]
- Ricardo Cardoso Pereira and Miriam Seoane Santos and Rodrigues, P.P. and Pedro Henriques Abreu , "MNAR Imputation with Distributed Healthcare Data", in 19th EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2019 [ DOI ]
- Marques, F. and Inês Domingues and Amorim, J.P.P. and Duarte, H. and Santos, J. and Pedro Henriques Abreu , "Evaluation of Oversampling Data Balancing Techniques in the Context of Ordinal Classification", in 2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2019 [ DOI ]
(10 publications)- Frazão, I. and Pedro Henriques Abreu and Tiago Cruz and Araújo, H. and Simões, P. , "Denial of Service Attacks: Detecting the frailties of machine learning algorithms in the Classication Process", in 13th International Conference on Critical Information Infrastructures Security (CRITIS 2018), ed. Springer, Kaunas, Lithuania, September 24-26, 2018, Springer series on Security and Cryptology , 2018 [ DOI ]
- Inês Domingues and Martins, P. and Pedro Henriques Abreu , "Registration of CT with PET: a comparison of intensity-based approaches", in International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis (IWCIA), 2018
- Inês Domingues and Pedro Henriques Abreu , "BI-RADS classification of breast cancer: a new pre-processing pipeline for deep models training", in IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2018
- Inês Domingues and Amorim, J.P.P. and Pedro Henriques Abreu , "Evaluation of oversampling data balancing techniques in the context of ordinal classification", in International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2018
- Amorim, J.P.P. and Inês Domingues and Pedro Henriques Abreu , "Interpreting Deep Learning Models for Ordinal Problems", in European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning, 2018
- Costa, S. and Miriam Seoane Santos and Pedro Henriques Abreu and Pessoa, T. and Gomes, A. , "The role of computer programming as a partner in the English classroom", in EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, pp.1113-1122, 2018
- Pedro Henriques Abreu and Martins, P. and Penousal Machado and Arrais, J.P. and Gomes, A. , "The Relationship Between Learning Styles and Creativity Students: An Information Visualization Class Case Study", in EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, pp.1246-1255, 2018
- Soares, J.P. and Miriam Seoane Santos and Pedro Henriques Abreu and Araújo, H. and Santos, J. , "Exploring the Effects of Data Distribution in Missing Data Imputation", in International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis, pp. 251-263, 2018
- Mercier, M. and Miriam Seoane Santos and Pedro Henriques Abreu and Soares, C. and Soares, J.P. and Santos, J. , "Analysing the footprint of classifiers in overlapped and imbalanced contexts", in International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis, pp. 200-212, 2018
- Costa, A. and Miriam Seoane Santos and Soares, J.P. and Pedro Henriques Abreu , "Missing Data Imputation via Denoising Autoencoders: the untold story", in International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis, pp. 87-98, 2018
(1 publication)2016
(2 publications)- Maia, A. and Cunha, T. and Soares, C. and Pedro Henriques Abreu , "TweeProfiles3: visualization of spatio-temporal patterns on Twitter", in 4th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, 2016
- Gomes, A. and Correia, F.B. and Pedro Henriques Abreu , "Types of assessing student-programming knowledge", in Proceedings of 44th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE’16), 2016
(1 publication)2014
(8 publications)- Pedro Henriques Abreu and Amaro, H. and Daniel Castro Silva and Penousal Machado and Abreu, M.H. and Afonso, N. and António Dourado , "Overall Survival Prediction for Women Breast Cancer using Ensemble Methods and Incomplete Clinical Data", in Medicon 2013 - XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 2014
- Pedro Henriques Abreu and Amaro, H. and Daniel Castro Silva and Penousal Machado and Abreu, M.H. , "Personalizing Breast Cancer Patients with Heterogeneous Data", in IFMBE International Conference on Health Informatics, 2014
- Pereira, F. and Daniel Castro Silva and Pedro Henriques Abreu , "Augmented Reality Mobile Tourism Application", in World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (WorldCIST’14), pp. 175 – 185, 2014
- Simões, D. and Pedro Henriques Abreu and Daniel Castro Silva , "MusE Central: A Data Aggregation System for Music Events", in World Conference on Informa- tion Systems and Technologies (WorldCIST’14), pp. 187 – 197, 2014
- Penousal Machado and Tiago Martins and Amaro, H. and Pedro Henriques Abreu , "Feature Selection and Novelty in Computational Aesthetics", in 3rd International Conference on Evolutionary and Biologically Inspired Music, Sound, Art and Design, pp. 133–144 (Best Paper Award), 2014
- Câmara, Á. and Daniel Castro Silva and Pedro Henriques Abreu and Oliveria, E. , "Comparing a Centralized and Decentralized Multi-Agent Approaches to Air Traffic Control", in 28th European Simulation and Modelling Conference (ESM'2014),pp.189-193, 2014
- Santos, M. and Amaro, H. and Alberto Cardoso and Pedro Henriques Abreu and Simão, A. and Carvalho, A. , "Identificação de Perfis de Doentes com Carcinoma Hepatocelular através de um método de Agrupamento Hierárquico", in Congresso Português de Hepatologia 2014 - 17 ª Reunião Anual da APEF, 2014
- Penousal Machado and Tiago Martins and Amaro, H. and Pedro Henriques Abreu , "An Interface for Fitness Function Design", in Evolutionary and Biologically Inspired Music, Sound, Art and Design, 2014 [ DOI ]