
Pedro Miguel Fonseca Marques Ferreira
Rua da Estrada Nova,9,Rebordosa3360-108 Lorvão
Home Page
Communications and TelematicsResearch interests
Pervasive computingMultimedia communications
Wireless and mobile networking
Multimedia protocols and systems
Interactive Distributed Multimedia
Network gaming
Distributed systems
ACM (Association for Computing machinery) Professional MemberIEEE-CS (IEEE Computer Society) Member
ISOC (Internet Society) Member
Portuguese Engineering Order Member
Past Projects
IST FP6 NoE E-NEXT: Emerging Networking Experiments and Technologies
IST FP6 CONTENT Network-of-Excellence
Conference Articles
(4 publications)- Pedro Ferreira and Orvalho, J. and Boavida, F. , "A Middleware Architecture for Mobile and Pervasive Large-Scale Augmented Reality Games", in 5th Annual Communication Networks and Services Research Conference, vol. 1, 2007
- Pedro Ferreira and Orvalho, J. and Boavida, F. , "Scalability and Mobility in a Network Middleware for Large Scale Mobile and Pervasive Augmented Reality Games", in The 2007 International Conference on Wireless Networks (ICWN2007), Part of WORLDCOMP 2007, 2007
- Pedro Ferreira and Orvalho, J. , "Quality of Service APIs for a 3GPP Mobile and Pervasive Large Scale Augmented Reality Gaming Middleware", in Next Generation Mobile Applications, Services and Tecnhologies 2007 (NGMAST 2007), 2007
- Pedro Ferreira and Orvalho, J. and Boavida, F. , "Security and Privacy in a Middleware for Large Scale Mobile and Pervasive Augmented Reality", in The 2007 International Conference on Software , Telecommuncations and Computer Networks (SOFTCOM 2007), 2007
(2 publications)- Pedro Ferreira and Orvalho, J. and Boavida, F. , "Middleware for embedded sensors and actuators in mobile pervasive augmented reality", in INFOCOM 2006 Student Workshop, 2006
- Pedro Ferreira and Orvalho, J. and Boavida, F. , "Sixrm: Full Mesh Reliable Source Ordered Multicast", in SoftCom2006 - 14th International Conference on Software, Tellecommunications & Computer Networks, 2006
(2 publications)- Pedro Ferreira , "Network Middleware for Large Scale Mobile and Pervasive Augmented Reality Games", in CoNext 2005 - ACM Conference on Emerging Network Experiment and Technology, 2005
- Pedro Ferreira and Orvalho, J. and Boavida, F. , "Large Scale Mobile and Pervasive Augmented Reality Games", in EUROCON 2005 - The International Conference on "Computer as a Tool", vol. 1, 2005
(1 publication)2001
(2 publications)- Pedro Ferreira and Orvalho, J. and Boavida, F. , "Uma plataforma integrada para aplicações de realidade virtual distribuída e colaborativa (An Integrated Platform for Colaborative, Distributed Virtual Reality Applications)", 2001
- Orvalho, J. and Pedro Ferreira and Boavida, F. , "State Transmission Mechanisms for a Collaborative Virtual Environment Middleware Platform", 2001