
Rosário Cação
Universidade de CoimbraDepartamento de Engenharia Informática
Pólo II
3030-290 Coimbra
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Information SystemsResearch interests
E-learning, training management, educational theories, distance education, higher education, training evaluation, and lifelong training and learning.Research methods, mixed methods, multivariate data analysis, and qualitative analysis.
Service quality, customer satisfaction and perceptions of quality.
Business strategy, international management, human resources management, and econometrics.
(1 publication)Journal Articles
(1 publication)2013
(1 publication)2010
(1 publication)Conference Articles
(2 publications)- Cação, R. , "Maturity in Large Scale Corporate e-Learning", in International Conference of e-Learning in the Workplace (New York), 2014
- Cação, R. , "Evolution and Trauma in Corporate e-Learning", in 7th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation , 2014
(3 publications)- Cação, R. , "Forcing disruption in b-learning workgroups", in 5th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI), 2012
- Cação, R. and Freitas, C.L.d. , "Modeling critical factors of quality in e-learning - A structural equations model test", in ICALT, 2012
- Cação, R. , "Harvesting the power of informal learning in corporate contexts - Do not forget it when designing the company’s training strategy", in 2012 AHRD International Research Conference in the Americas: HRD & Technology: Exploring the Intersectionality, 2012