Perceptions of Quality in e-Learning: a Case Study
Departing from an online survey targeted at trainees of e-learning courses intended forprofessional training, which was preceded by an exploratory qualitative study, we
propose future utility as an important dimension in the appraisal of the quality of e-
learning. Our results show that future utility is the second most important dimension of
quality in e-learning for professional training, following satisfaction. We also conclude
that three major factors explain the perception of quality: training attitudes, training
process, and training utility. Additional conclusions are that final motivation and
perceptions of quality are affected by the length of the course, that professional
certification courses lead to higher perceptions of immediate and future utility, and that
perceptions of value are also related to utility. These findings are particularly useful for
those who plan or design e-learning courses and are interested in the impact of the
training processes.