Games 2.0: Participatory Game Creation
In this paper the authors analyse the authorship roles players play in today's gaming context and some of the tools that they use to perform such roles. The authors tipify authorship activities and define profiles in relation to the types of authorship roles players engage in. Comparing with the Web 2.0 and other phenomena in popular music, and trying to recognize the emergence of similar production patterns in the context of gaming media we find some development dificulties. Promising phenomena such as \"moding\" require rare levels of technical mastery and the complexity of game design and creation activities require non trivial efforts.Yet we also recognize that the web 2.0 model of participatory media and engagement that promotes a prosumer model based on user created content and collaboration between authors could develop in the gaming context as long as adequate intruments are developed. This study suggests that this could be achieved by lowering entry barriers such as by adopting standards for design and delievery of games inclusive of the various participation profiles and, expression languages simple enough to be explored and tamed by wider audiences, as the overly simple, yet very expressive, \"line rider\" case shows.
Digital Games ResearchConference
SBGames2007, November 2007PDF File
Cited by
Year 2013 : 3 citations
El-Awwad, R., & Tuxen, J. (2013). A Framework for Real-time Collaborative Game Design in Digital Environments.
George, S., Lavoué, É., & Monterrat, B. (2013). An Environment to Support Collaborative Learning by Modding. In Scaling up Learning for Sustained Impact (pp. 111-124). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
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Year 2012 : 2 citations
Monterrat, B., Lavoué, E., & George, S. (2012). Learning Game 2.0: Support for Game Modding as a Learning Activity. In Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Games Based Learning (pp. 340-347).
Monterrat, B., Lavoué, É., & George, S. (2012). Learning game 2.0: Support à l'Apprentissage Collaboratif par la Modification de Jeux Vidéo. Intégration Technologique et Nouvelles Perspectives d’Usage, 97.
Year 2008 : 1 citations
Volk, D. (2008, October). Co-creative game development in a participatory Metaverse. In Proceedings of the Tenth Anniversary Conference on Participatory Design 2008 (pp. 262-265). Indiana University.