Learning to program - difficulties and solutions



Computer Science Education


International Conference on Engineering Education, September 2007

Cited by

Year 2016 : 3 citations

 Korkmaz, O., The Effects of Scratch-Based Game Activities on Students’ Attitudes, Self-Efficacy and Academic Achievement, I.J. Modern Education and Computer Science, 1, pp. 16-23.

 Álvarez, A., Larrañaga, M., Experiences Incorporating Lego Mindstorms Robots in the Basic Programming Syllabus: Lessons Learned. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, Volume 81, Issue 1, pp 117-129.

 Roels, R., Mestereaga, P., Signer, B., An Interactive Source Code Visualisation Plug-in for the MindXpres Presentation Platform, Communications in Computer and Information Science, pp. 1-20, 2016.

Year 2015 : 17 citations

 Akhunzada, A., Sookhak, M., Anuar, N., Gani, A., Ahmed, E., Shiraz, M., Furnell, S., Hayat, A., Khan, M., Man-At-The-End attacks: Analysis, taxonomy, human aspects, motivation and future directions, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol 48, pp 44-57, 2015.

 Linen, T., Lederman, R., Using Building Blocks to Construct Effective Learning Objects. In Proceedings of the Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, 2015

 Barrón-Estrada, M., Zatarain-Cabada, R., Hernández, F., Bustillos, R., Reyes-García, C., An Affective and Cognitive Tutoring System for Learning Programming. In Lagunas, O., Alcantara, O. e Figueroa, G. (eds) Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Its Applications, vol 9414, pp. 171-182, 2015.

 Hu, M. (2015). Teaching Novices Programming: A Programming Process Using Goals & Plans with a Visual Programming Environment (Thesis, Doctor of Philosophy). University of Otago.

 Campos, A., Batista, E., Signoretti, A. Gardiman, R., Madeira, C., Gamifying Activities in a Higher Education Course. In Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Games Based Learning, Noruega, Outubro de 2015.

 Hazin, I. , Falcão, J. , Rêgo, I. , Gomes, A. , Andrade, P. , Aragão, L. , Sales, A. , Reis, J. and Wenice, M. (2015) High Abilities and Information Technologies: The Talento Metrópole Brazilian Program. Creative Education, 6, 647-653.

 Silva, I., Fonseca, L, Silva, R., Um Sistema Tutor Inteligente para o Ensino no Domínio de Lógica de Programação. In Proceedings of Taller Internacional de Informatica Educativa, Santiago do Chile.

 Yousoof, M., Sapiyan, M., Optimizing Instruction for Learning Computer Programming – A Novel Approach. In Rolly, I., Chi-Hung, C., Palit, H., Santoso, L. (eds) Intelligence in the Era of Big Data, pp 128-139, Springer.

 Ozyurt, O., Clustering Analysis of Attitudes of Prospective Computer Programmers towards Programming, International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, vol. 10, n 4, 2015.

 Bassey, I., Afuro, D., Munienge, M., An Investigation of Software Engineering Knowledge of Undergraduate Students, International Journal of Modern Education & Computer Science, Vol. 7, Issue 12, p42-50.

 Alhazbi, S., Active Blended Learning to Improve Students’ Motivation in Computer Programming Courses: A Case Study. In Abdulwahed, M., Hasna, M. Froyd, J. (eds) Advances in Engineering Education in the Middle East and North Africa, pp 187-204. Springer.

 Cabada, R., Estrada, M., Hernandez, F., Bustillos, R., An Affective Learning Environment for Java. In Proceedings of IEEE 15th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), Hualien, Julho de 2015.

 Bati, T., Blended learning in large class introductory programming courses: an empirical study in the context of an Ethiopian university, University of South Africa, Pretoria.

 Oluk, A., Saltan, F., Effects of Using the Scratch Program in 6th Grade Information Technologies Courses on Algorithm Development and Problem Solving Skills, Participatory Educational Research (PER), Special Issue 2015-II, pp., 10-20; 5-7 November, 2015.

 Guerra, H., Cardoso, A., Sousa, V., Leitão, J., Graveto, V., Gomes, L., Demonstration of Programming in Python using a remote lab with Raspberry Pi, 3rd Experiment@International Conference.

 Campos, A., Gardiman, R., Madeira, C., Uma ferramenta gamificada de apoio a? disciplina introduto?ria de programac?a?o, Workshop sobre Educação em Computação, Julho 2015.

 Belchior, H., Bonifa?cio, B., Ferreira, R., Avaliando o Uso da Ferramenta Scratch para Ensino de Programac?a?o atrave?s de Ana?lise Quantitativa e Qualitativa, Anais do XXVI Simpo?sio Brasileiro de Informa?tica na Educac?a?o (SBIE 2015).

Year 2014 : 21 citations

 Bernard, M. e Bachu, E., Enhancing the Metacognitive Skill of Novice Programmers Through Collaborative Learning. In Metacognition: Fundaments, Applications and Trends, Intelligent Systems Reference Library, 76, pp. 277-298, Outubro de 2014.

 Kim, Y., Kwon, D. e Lee, W., Computational Modeling and Simulation for Learning an Automation Concept in Programming Course. International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, 6(4), Agosto de 2014.

 Kim, Y., Lee, W. e Kim, J., Development and Application of Teaching-learning Method for Learning Object-Oriented Concepts using Arduino and Physical Etoys. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 9 (21), 2014.

 Ali, A. e Derus, S., Hardware-Software Visualization to Learn Programming. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computer Science & Education, Vancouver, Canada, Agosto de 2014.

 Adorjan, A. e Kereki, I., Design and Experimentation of Activities for CS1:? A Competences Oriented Approach. CLEI Electronic Journal, 17 (3), Dezembro de 2014

 Lacave, C., Molina, A. e Castillo, E., Evaluación de una innovación docente a través de un diseño estadístico cuasi-experimental: aplicación al aprendizaje de la recursividad. In Actas de las XX JENUI, pp. 159-166, Oviedo, Espanha, Julho de 2014.

 Alhazbi, A., Using e-journaling to improve self-regulated learning in introductory computer programming course. In Proceedings of IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, pp. 352-356, Istambul, Abril de 2014.

 Marcos-Abed, J., Using a COAC# for CS1. In Proceedings of The 19th Western Canadian Conference on Computing Education, Richmond, Canada, Abril de 2014.

 Ghanim, S. e Al-khafaji, N., Using the Literature to Develop a Preliminary Conceptual Model for the Student Success Factors in a Programming Course: Java as a Case Study. International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, 3(8), pp. 547-554, Agosto de 2014.

 Gonzalez-Guerra, L. e Leal-Flores, A., Tutoring model to guide students in programming courses to create complete and correct solutions. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computer Science & Education, Vancouver, Canada, Agosto de 2014.

 Aureliano, V., Self-explaining from videos as a methodology for learning programming. In Proceedings of the 25th Psychology of Programming Annual Conference, Brighton, Junho de 2014.

 Konecki, M. e Mrkela, V., Student’s acceptance of animated interactive presentation of sorting algorithms. In Proceedings of the Information Society Multiconference, Ljubliana, Eslovénia, Outubro de 2014.

 Isong, B., A methodology for teaching computer programming: first year student’s perspective. International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science, 9, pp. 15-21, Setembro de 2014.

 Jin, G. e Chandramouli, M., Development of Casual 2-D Game Laboratory Exercises in Introductory Computer Graphics Programming Course. In Proceedings of The 2014 IAJC-ISAM International Conference, Orlando, Florida, Setembro de 2014.


 Grosso, M., Introdução à inteligência artificial com recurso à programação visual, Relatórios da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Universidade de Lisboa.

 Digiampietri, L, et al, Complementando o Aprendizado em Programação: Revisitando Experiências no Curso de Sistemas de Informação da USP. Revista Brasileira de Sistemas de Informação, Vol 6.

 Costa, E., Ambientes virtuais no ensino de sistemas operativos cliente/servidor : um estudo de caso no ensino profissional, Dissertação de Mestrado, UCP.

 Piteira, M. e Costa, C., APRENDIZAGEM DA PROGRAMAÇÃO: PROBLEMAS E SOLUÇÕES. In Actas da Conferência da APSI, Vol 14.

INTRODUCTORY PROGRAMMING COURSE. In Proceedings of International Conference on Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, Konya, Turquia.

 Brito, M. e Soares, F., Assessment frequency in introductory computer programming. Computers in Human Behavior, 30, pp. 623-628, 2014.

Year 2013 : 12 citations

 Silva, M. e Junior, P., AESDA: Ferramenta Educacional Gráfica Extensível para Ensino de Algoritmos de Ordenação e Pesquisa com Ênfase na Análise da Eficiência de Algoritmos. In Actas da XXI Workshop sobre Educação em Computação, Maceió, Brasil, Julho de 2013.

 Digiampietri, L., Peres, S., Nakano, F., Roman, N., Wagner, P., Silva, B., Teodoro, B., Silva Jr., D., Pereira, G., Borges, G., Pereira, G., Santos, M., Baklizky, M. e Barros, V., Complementando o Aprendizado em Programação: Revisitando Experiências no Curso de Sistemas de Informação da USP. Revista Brasileira de Sistemas de Informação, 6, pp. 5-29, 2013.

 Santos, A., Uma abordagem integrativa para o ensino de algoritmos a distância. In Actas da XXI Workshop sobre Educação em Computação, Maceió, Brasil, Julho de 2013.

 Karabak, D. e Gunes, A., Ortaokul birinci sinif ogrencileri için yazilim gelistirme alaninda mufredat onerisi. Journal of Research in Education and Teaching, 2(3), 2013.

 Donchev, I. e Todorova, E., Training in object-oriented programming and C++11. Computer and Information Science, 6(2), pp. 84-92, 2013.

 Jurado, F., Molina, A., Redondo, M. e Ortega, M., Cole-programming: Shaping collaborative learning support in Eclipse. IEEE-RITA Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologia e Aprendizagem, 8(4), pp. 153-162, 2013.

 Korkmaz, O. e Altun, H., Adapting programming self-efficacy scale in Turkish. Global Journal on Technology, 3, 2013.

 Donchev, I., Experience in teaching C++11 within the undergraduate informatics curriculum. Informatics in Education - An International Journal, 12 (1), pp. 59-79, 2013.

 Alvarez, A. e Larrañaga, M., Using LEGO Mindstorms to engage students on algorithm design. In Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference, pp. 1346-1351, Oklahoma, Estados Unidos, Outubro de 2013.

 Adorjan, A. e Kereki, I., Design of activities for CS1: A competences oriented approach (unpacking the Informed Design teaching and Learning Matrix). In Proceedings of XXXIX Latin American Computing Conference, pp. 1-6, Naiguata, Outubro de 2013.

 Rossano, G., Martinez, C., Hedelind, M. e Murphy, S., Easy robot programming concepts: An industrial perspective. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, pp. 1119-1126, Madison, Estados Unidos, Agosto de 2013.

 Yousoof, M. e Sapiyan, M., Cognitive load measurement for visualizations in learning computer programming using EEG. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Technology, Amman, Jordânia, Maio de 2013.

Year 2012 : 21 citations

 Donchev, I., (2012). Teaching C++11 at Introductory Level. In Proceedings of the 8th Annual Computer Science Education & Computer Science Conference. Boston, USA.

 Campos, D. S., Mendes, A. J., Marcelino, M. J., Ferreira, D. and Alves, L., (2012). A multinational case study on using diverse feedback types applied to introductory programming learning. In Proceedings of Frontiers in Education. Seattle, USA.

 Campos, D. S., Mendes, A. J., Marcelino, M. J., Ferreira, D. and Alves, L., (2012). A multinational case study on using diverse feedback types applied to introductory programming learning. In Proceedings of Frontiers in Education. Seattle, USA.

 Aureliano, V. e Tedesco, P., Avaliando o uso do Scratch como abordagem alternative para o processo de ensino-aprendizagem de programação. In Actas do Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, Curitiba, Brasil, Julho de 2012.

 Rosminah, M. e Zamzuri, M., Difficulties in learning Programming: Views of students. In Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Current Issues in Education, pp. 74–78, Yogyakarta, Indonésia, 2012.

 Chandramouli, M., Ge, J. e Connolly, P., Using an open-source language to teach introductory programming and graphics concepts in first year engineering and technology courses. Technology Interface International Journal, 13 (1), 2012.

 Queiroz, R., A framework for practice-based learning applied to computer programming. Tese de Doutoramento, Universidade do Porto, 2012.

 Almeida, C., Mindstorms na aprendizagem da algoritmia e programação. Dissertação de Mestrado em Comunicação e Multimédia, Universidade de Aveiro, 2012.

 Rahmat, M., Shahrani, S., Latih, R., Yatim, N., Zainal, N. e Rahman, R., Major problems in basic programming that influence student performance. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 59, pp. 287-296, 2012.

 Jadzgeviciene, V. e Urboniene, J., Cooperation in programming learning. In Proceedings of the 12th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research, Tahko, Finlandia, Novembro de 2012.

 Gomes, G., Martinho, J., Bernardo, M., Matos, F. e Abrantes, P., Dificuldades de aprendizagem de programação no ensino profissional – perspectiva dos alunos. Actas do II Congresso Internacional TIC e Educação, pp. 438 – 448, Lisboa, Novembro de 2012.

 Gomes, G. e Abrantes, P., A robótica educativa no ensino da programação. Actas do II Congresso Internacional TIC e Educação, pp. 2039 – 2055, Lisboa, Novembro de 2012.

 Gomes, G., A robótica educativa no ensino da programação. Relatório de prática de ensino supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino de Informática, Universidade de Lisboa, 2012.

 Jurado, F., Molina, A., Redondo, M. e Ortega, M., Cole-Programming: Incorporando soporte al aprendizaje colaborativo en Eclipse. IEEE-RITA, 7 (3), pp. 121-130, Agosto de 2012.

 Rossiter, A. e Gray, L., Using teamwork to engage students and manage transition. Engineering Education, 7 (1), pp. 23 – 32, 2012.

 Hiron, M. e Février, L., A self-paced learning platform to teach programming and algorithms. Olympiads in Informatics, 6, 69-85, 2012.

 Ng, W., The impact of peer assessment and feedback strategy in learning computer programming in higher education. Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, 9, 17 – 27, 2012.

 Verdú, E., Regueras, L., Verdú, M., Leal, J., Castro, J. e Queirós, R., A distributed system for learning programming on-line. Computers & Education, 58 (1), pp.1-10, 2012.

 Reif, I. e Orehovacki, T., ViSA: Visualization of sorting algorithms. In Proceedings of the 35th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics, Opatija, Croácia, Maio de 2012.

 Février, L., Analyse automatique de codes informatiques pour l’aide à l’enseignant. In Actes des 4ièmes rencontres des Jeunes Chercheurs en Environments Informatiques d’ Apprentissage Humain, Amiens, França, Maio de 2012.

 Jurado F., Using fuzzy logic applied to software metrics and test cases to assess programming assignments and give advice. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 35(2), pp. 695-712, Março de 2012.

Year 2011 : 12 citations

 Daradoumis, T., Caballé, S., Juan, A. and Xhafa, F., Technology-Enhanced Systems and Tools for Collaborative Learning Scaffolding. (Eds.) (2011). Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag. Series "Studies in Computational Intelligence". Vol. 350. 340 pp. ISBN: 978-3-642-19813-7.

 Jurado, F., Redondo, M. and Ortega, M. (2011). Using fuzzy logic applied to software metrics and test cases to assess programming assignments and give advice. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 34 (2), 695-712.

 Li, F. e Watson, C., Game-based concept visualization for learning programming. In Proceedings of the third international ACM workshop on multimedia technologies for distance learning, Scottsdale, Estados Unidos, Novembro de 2011.

 Le, N. e Pinkwart, N., Incom: a web-based homework coaching system for logic programming. In Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, Novembro de 2011.

 Linden, T. e Lederman, R., Creating visualizations from multimedia building blocks: a simple approach to teaching programming concepts. In Proceedings of the Information Systems Educators Conference, Wilmington, Estdos Unidos, Novembro de 2011.

 Lopez, H., Plaza, J. e Abarca, A., Redesign of a Basic programming course considering technical-padagogical aspects and supported in LEGO Mindstorms NXT robot laboratories. In Actas das Jornadas Chilenas de Computación, Curicó, Chile, Novembro de 2011.

 Kwon, D., Yoon, I. e Lee, W., Design of programming learning process using hybrid programming environment for comuter education. KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 5(10), Outubro de 2011.

 Çakiroglu, U., Sari, E. e Akkan, Y., The view of the teachers about the contribution of teaching programming to the gifted students in the problem solving. In Proceedings of the 5th International Computer and Instructional Technologies Symposium, Elazig, Turquia, Setembro de 2011.

 Genç, Z. e Karakus, S., Learning through design: using Scratch in instructional computer games design. In Proceedings of the 5th International Computer and Instructional Technologies Symposium, Elazig, Turquia, Setembro de 2011.

 Jurado, F., Molina, A., Redondo, M. e Ortega, M., Soporte a la Colaboración Mediante Integración de Herramientas Colaborativas Específicamente Diseñadas para Tareas de Programación. In Proceedigns of Segundo Taller sobre ingeniería del software en e-Learning, Madrid, Espanha, Julho de 2011.

 Nagy, G., Moumoutzis, N., Smith, D., and Horváth, J., Programming Skills Development in Secondary Education by Means of Modern Educational Programming Languages. In Proceedings of Multimédia in the Education Conference, Miercurea Ciuc, Roménia, Julho de 2011.

 Costa, F., Objeto de aprendizagem para o ensino de estruturas de dados. Monografia de Licenciatura, Universidade de Brasília, Brasil, Fevereiro de 2011.

Year 2010 : 11 citations

 Soares, A., Desenvolvimento de um tutorial para a disciplina Introdução à Ciência da Computação com a linguagem C. Monografia, Universidade de Brasília, 2010.

 Kazimoglu, C., Kiernan, M., Bacon, L. e Mackinnon, L., Developing a game model for computational thinking and learning traditional programming through game-play. In Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education, pp. 1378-1386, Chesapeake, 2010.

 Genç, Z. e Tinmaz, H., Evaluation of students’ problem solving skills and attitude towards computers in a programming course: a case study from Firat University. In Proceedings of International Education Technology Conference, Bogazici, Turquia, 2010.

 Dagiene, V. e Urboniene, J., Learning programming: comparative analysis of languages and environments. Informacijos Mokslai, pp. 54-62, 2010.

 Nascimento, N., Mendonça, A., Guerrero, D. e Figueiredo, J., Teaching programming for high school students: a distance education experience. In Proceedings of 40th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Washington, EUA, Outubro de 2010.

 Wu, H., Exploring the Role of Annotation Supported Problem-solving on Annotation Behavior: A Case Study of C++ Programming Course. Tese de Mestrado, Taiwan National Central University, Junho de 2010.

 Brito, M. e Soares, F., Computer programming: fail fast to learn sooner. In Lytras, M. et al (eds), Proceedings of the First International Conference TECH-EDUCATION, pp. 223-229, Atenas, Grécia, Maio de 2010.

 Moumoutzis N., Stylianakis G., Xanthaki C., Petrakis N., Christodoulakis S., Programming Skills for All: Setting the ground for IT Literacy through Learner-Centered Pedagogical Approaches and Educational Programming Languages. In Proceedings of the Conference for the Free and Open Source Software in Education, Chania, Grécia, Abril de 2010.

 Sustelo, F. e Guerreiro, P., Analyzing self-reflection by Computer Science students to identify bad study habits. In Proceedings of IEEE EDUCON Education Engineering 2010, pp. 263-270, Madrid, Espanha, ABril de 2010.

 Rogerson, C. e Scott, E., The Fear Factor: How It Affects Students Learning to Program in a Tertiary Environment. Journal of Information Technology Education, 9, pp. 147-171, 2010.

 Jurado, F., Proposal for evaluating computer programming algorithms to provide instructional guidance and give advice. Tese de Doutoramento, Universidade de Castilla " La Mancha, Espanha, Março de 2010.

Year 2009 : 11 citations

 Bonne, M., Conceptual mini-games: an effective e-learning resource? Dissertação de Mestrado, University of Sheffield, Inglaterra, 2009.

 Chen, W. The effects of goal orientation feedback and pair-programming on novices’ learning Alice programming. Dissertação de Mestrado, National Central University, Taiwan, 2009.

 Radosevic, D., Orehovački, T. e Lovrenčic, A., New Approaches and Tools in Teaching Programming. In Proceedings of the 20th Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, pp. 49 - 57, Varadzin, Croácia, Setembro de 2009.

 Brandizzi, A. e Nuñez, Y., Taxonomias de Exemplos para Aprendizagem de Programação. Monografia, Universidade de Brasília, 2009.

 Su, Y., Investigating the Role of Computer-Supported Annotation in Problem-based Programming Teaching: A Case Study of Scratch Programming Course. Tese de Doutoramento, Taiwan National Central University, 2009.

 Matthews, R., Hin, H. e Choo, K., Multimedia learning object to build cognitive understanding in learning introductory programming. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia, pp. 396-400, Kuala Lumpur, Malásia, Dezembro de 2009.

 Jurado, F., Redondo, M. e Ortega, M., Aplicación de IMS-LD y Técnicas de Soft-Computing en la Construcción de un ITS para el Aprendizaje de la Programación. Actas do XI Simpósio Internacional de Informática Educativa, Coimbra, Novembro, 2009.

 Radosevic, D., Orehovaèki, T. e Lovrenèic, A., Verificator: Educational Tool for Learning Programming. Informatics in Education - An International Journal, 8(2), pp. 261-280, 2009.

 Jurado, F., Molina, A., Redondo, M., Ortega, M., Giemza, A., Bollen, L. e Hoppe, H., Learning to program with COALA, a distributed computer assisted environment. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 15 (7), 1472-1485, 2009.

 Fat, L., Exploring the relationships among gender, learning style, mental model, and programming performance: Implications for learning and teaching of computer programming. PhD Thesis, Hong Kong University, 2009.

 Lee, C., Improving Learning Achievements of Computer Programming through an Annotation Tool Supported Teaching Strategy. MSc Thesis, National Central University, Taiwan, 2009.

Year 2008 : 1 citations

 Campos, F. e Olguin, G., The use of auxiliary resources on introductory computing courses for engineering. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Education, Budapest, Hungria, Setembro de 2008.