
Anabela Jesus Gomes
CV Short
Cognitive and Media SystemsResearch interests
Computer Science EducationProgramming learning
Psychology of Programming
Learning and Education Theories
Learning Styles
Human Computer Interaction
User Experience
Brain Computer Interaction
National Projects
ExoBike - Biomechanical Equipment for Restorative Therapy and Rehabilitation
BlueEyes - HCI e Beacons: tornar o invisível visível
Journal Articles
(2 publications)- Lam, C.T. and Wei, K. and Kei, I.S. and Gomes, A. and Antonio Jose Mendes and Marcelino, M.J.P. , "Students’ characteristics in programming learning and the design of a mobile learning platform", Int. J. Mobile Learning and Organisation, vol. 13, pp. 352-391, 2019
- Gomes, A. and Teixeira, A.R. and Eloy, J. and Antonio Jose Mendes , "An Exploratory Study of Brain Computer Interfaces in Computer Science Education", IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, vol. 14, pp. 152-161, 2019
(1 publication)2016
(2 publications)- Santos, A.N.F.S. and Gomes, A. and Páris, C. and Martins, N. and Barbosa, J. and Aguiar, N. , "Design and Evaluation of a pictographic board for people with inability to communicate verbally", International Journal of Education and Learning Systems, vol. 1, pp. 197-206, 2016
- Costa, S. and Gomes, A. and Pessoa, T. , "Using Scratch to Teach and Learn English as a Foreign Language in Elementary School", International Journal of Education and Learning Systems, vol. 1, pp. 207-213, 2016
(1 publication)2010
(1 publication)2008
(2 publications)- Gomes, A. and Areias, C. and Henriques, J.G. and Antonio Jose Mendes , "Aprendizagem de programaçãode computadores: dificuldades e ferramentas desuporte", Revista Portuguesa de Pedagogia, vol. 42, pp. 161-179, 2008
- Gomes, A. and Henriques, J.G. and Antonio Jose Mendes , "Uma proposta para ajudar alunos com dificuldades na aprendizagem inicial de programação de computadores", Educação, Formação & Tecnologias, vol. 1, pp. 93-103, 2008
(1 publication)1999
(1 publication)Conference Articles
(2 publications)- Silva, L. and Antonio Jose Mendes and Gomes, A. , "Computer-supported Collaborative Learning in Programming Education: A Systematic Literature Review", in IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2020
- Gomes, A. and Marcelino, M.J.P. and Correia, F.B. and Antonio Jose Mendes , "Study Methods in Introductory Programming Courses", in IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2020
(9 publications)- Eloy, J. and Teixeira, A.R. and Gomes, A. and Antonio Jose Mendes , "Using Brain Computer Interaction in Programming Problem Solving", in IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2019 [ DOI ]
- Eloy, J. and Teixeira, A.R. and Gomes, A. and Antonio Jose Mendes , "Understand and characterize mental effort in a programming-oriented task", in IEEE 6th Portuguese Meeting on Bioengineering (ENBENG), 2019
- Gomes, A. and Wei, K. and Lam, C.T. and Teixeira, A.R. and Correia, F.B. and Marcelino, M.J.P. and Antonio Jose Mendes , "Understanding Loops a Visual Methodology", in IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE), 2019
- Almeida, R. and Pessoa, T. and Gomes, A. , "Thinking like a trainer, acting like a programmer", in EdMedia + Innovate Learning,, 2019
- Brito, H. and Santos, A.N.F.S. and Jorge Bernardino and Gomes, A. , "Mobile development in Swift, Java and React Native: an experimental evaluation in audioguides", in 14th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), 2019 [ DOI ]
- Brito, H. and Santos, A.N.F.S. and Jorge Bernardino and Gomes, A. , "Learning analysis of mobile JavaScript frameworks", in 14th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), 2019 [ DOI ]
- Soares, L. and Gomes, A. and Páris, C. and Santos, A.N.F.S. and Roseiro, L. , "Development of a Computer Interface for a Restorative Therapy and Rehabilitation Support Equipment", in 8º Congresso Nacional de Biomecânica, 2019
- Videira, D. and Roseiro, L. and Moita, F. and Gomes, A. and Páris, C. and Santos, A.N.F.S. and Carvalho, F. and Laíns, J. , "Hand Rehabilitation System – Equipamento Biomecânico para a Reabilitação da Mão", in 8º Congresso Nacional de Biomecânica, 2019
- Roseiro, L. and Videira, D. and Moita, F. and Gomes, A. and Páris, C. and Santos, A.N.F.S. and Carvalho, F. and Laíns, J. , "HRS – A Biomechanical system to support assessment and rehabilitation of the hand in post-stroke patients", in 25th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, 2019
(10 publications)- Santos, A.N.F.S. and Gomes, A. and Antonio Jose Mendes , "Engaging learning to program via real data", in 48th Annual Frontiers in Education (FIE’18) Conference, 2018
- Gomes, A. and Marcelino, M.J.P. and Wei, K. and Lam, C.T. and Antonio Jose Mendes , "Student motivation towards learning to program", in 48th Annual Frontiers in Education (FIE’18) Conference, 2018
- Costa, S. and Miriam Seoane Santos and Pedro Henriques Abreu and Pessoa, T. and Gomes, A. , "The role of computer programming as a partner in the English classroom", in EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, pp.1113-1122, 2018
- Pedro Henriques Abreu and Martins, P. and Penousal Machado and Arrais, J.P. and Gomes, A. , "The Relationship Between Learning Styles and Creativity Students: An Information Visualization Class Case Study", in EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, pp.1246-1255, 2018
- Teixeira, A.R. and Tomé, A. and Roseiro, L. and Gomes, A. , "Attention and concentration in normal and deaf gamers", in International Workshop on Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2018
- Teixeira, A.R. and Tomé, A. and Roseiro, L. and Gomes, A. , "Does music help to be more Attentive while performing a task? A Brain Activity analysis", in International Workshop on Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2018
- Gomes, A. and Correia, F.B. , "Bloom’s Taxonomy Based Approach to Learn Basic Programming Loops", in 48th Annual Frontiers in Education (FIE’18) Conference, 2018
- Almeida, R. and Pessoa, T. and Gomes, A. , "Learning to think like a trainer: bringing Scratch for Educational Sciences professional’s formation", in 48th Annual Frontiers in Education (FIE’18) Conference, 2018
- Silva, M. and Gomes, A. and Teixeira, A.R. and Orvalho, J. , "BLUEEYES – EASING THE NAVIGATION AND ORIENTATION OF BLIND PEOPLE”", in IHCI 2th International Conference Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction, 2018
- Gomes, A. and Marcelino, M.J.P. and Antonio Jose Mendes , "Using students’ reflections to understand their perceptions in introductory programming learning", in EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, 2018
(9 publications)- Gomes, A. and Antonio Jose Mendes and Marcelino, M.J.P. and Wei, K. and Kei, I.S. and Lam, C.T. , "Student’s Characteristics and Programming Learning – A Macanese Perspective", in IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering (TALE 2017), 2017
- Teixeira, A.R. and Silva, M. and Antonio Jose Mendes and Gomes, A. , "Uso de um BCI para a medição dos níveis de atenção", in 19th International Symposium on Computers in Education (SIIE 2017) and the 8th CIED Meeting/ 3rd CIED International Meeting, 2017
- Gomes, A. and Wei, K. and Marcelino, M.J.P. and Kei, I.S. and Siu, A. and Antonio Jose Mendes , "A Teacher's view about introductory programming teaching and learning – Portuguese and Macanese perspectives", in 45th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education 2017 (FIE 2017), 2017
- Teixeira, A.R. and Silva, M. and Gomes, A. , "Assessing Neurosky Mindset´s capability to measure the attention mind states during car driving", in International Conference on Computer Science, Information System and Communication Technology (ICCSISCT 2017) , 2017
- Bigotte, E. and Gomes, A. and Almeida, R. and Pessoa, T. , "ALL in Scratch - An inclusive pedagogical project from preschool to higher education", in Scratch 2017 Conference, 2017
- Bigotte, E. and Gomes, A. and Correia, F.B. and Almeida, R. , "Mathscratch - Bringing Programming and Mathematical skills into higher Education", in International Technology Education and Development Conference (INTED 2017), 2017
- Páris, C. and Barbosa, J. and Ferreira, E. and Gomes, A. , "Bitalino use and aplications for health, education, home automation and industry", in Florida, 2017
- Gomes, A. and Páris, C. and Martins, N. and Santos, A.N.F.S. and Barbosa, J. and Roseiro, L. and Mesquita, C. and Brandão, J. and Sousa, J. and Costa, M. and Coelho, T. , "Scratch, Kinect and Arduino together: new pathways in education and rehabilitation", in Scratch 2017 Conference, 2017
- Almeida, R. and Pessoa, T. and Bigotte, E. and Gomes, A. , "iProg: Iniciação à Programação: Estudo piloto em duas escolas do ensino básico", in Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Computers in Education (SIIE) and the 8th CIED Meeting/ 3rd CIED International Meeting, 2017
(8 publications)- Gomes, A. and Páris, C. and Barbosa, J. and Santos, A.N.F.S. and Martins, N. and Teixeira, A.R. , "ATELIER – Assistive Technologies for Learning, Integration and Rehabilitation", in 9th International Conference on ICT, Society and Human Beings (ICT 2016), 2016
- Teixeira, A.R. and Gomes, A. and Orvalho, J. , "E-Learning Multimodal System for Teaching and Learning Programming", in 9th International Conference on ICT, Society and Human Beings (ICT 2016), 2016
- Teixeira, A.R. and Carvalhal, A.L. and Abrantes, F. and Lourenço, V. and Gomes, A. and Orvalho, J. , "MASTERBLIND – Testing the usability of auditory feedback in a computer game for blind people", in 10th International Conference on Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction (IHCI 2016), 2016
- Almeida, R. and Pessoa, T. and Gomes, A. and Bigotte, E. , "iProg: Experiência Pedagógica com Scratch", in XVIII Simposio Internacional de Informática Educativa (SIIE 2016), 2016
- Gomes, A. and Correia, F.B. and Pedro Henriques Abreu , "Types of assessing student-programming knowledge", in Proceedings of 44th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE’16), 2016
- Bigotte, E. and Gomes, A. and Branco, R. and Pessoa, T. , "The Influence of Educational Learning Paths in Academic Success of Mathematics in Engineering Undergraduate", in 44th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education 2016 (FIE’16), 2016
- Barbosa, J. and Gomes, A. and Martins, N. and Páris, C. and Santos, A.N.F.S. and Aguiar, N. , "Therapists’ Validation of Symbolum – a pictographic board for people unable to verbally communicate", in Media & Learning Conference'2016 , 2016
- Bigotte, E. and Gomes, A. , "CeAMatE: Estratégia de ensino e aprendizagem para o sucesso académico", in In Proceedings of The IV Conferência Ibérica - Inovação na Educação com TIC, 2016
(5 publications)- Santos, A.N.F.S. and Gomes, A. and Páris, C. and David, H. and Barbosa, J. and Martins, N. , "Symbolum – An Alternative Communication pictographic board for people with inability to communicate verbally", in World Congress on Special Needs Education (WCSNE-2015), 2015
- Gomes, A. and Bigotte, E. , "The CeAMatE-on project: an online Mathematical Support Centre in Engineering. ", in XVII Simpósio Internacional de Informática Educativa, 2015
- Gomes, A. and Bigotte, E. and Vale, J. , "Plataforma CeaMatE-on: A utilização de uma plataforma E-learning no Ensino em Engenharia", in International Conference on engineering – Engineering for Society, 2015
- Gomes, A. and Correia, F.B. , "The paths taken by good and weak programming students.", in E-LEARN 2015 - World Conference on E-Learning, 2015
- Gomes, A. and Páris, C. and Martins, N. and Santos, A.N.F.S. , "Code Factory – A game to engage students in programming learning", in E-LEARN 2015 - World Conference on E-Learning, 2015
(6 publications)- Gomes, A. and Antonio Jose Mendes , "A teacher's view about introductory programming teaching and learning: difficulties, strategies and motivations", in 44th Annual Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference, 2014
- Gomes, A. and Santos, A.N.F.S. and Belchior, P. and Martins, N. and Páris, C. , "Code Factory – A game environment to start programming", in EDMEDIA14 – World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, 2014
- Pratas, E. and Gomes, A. and Marques, V. , "The ADAPT LMS: Interactive e-learning with Fuzzy Logic and CBR", in 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN’14), 2014
- Gomes, A. and Marques, V. and Azevedo, F. , "The role of interactive learning objects in an adaptive e-learning system", in 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN’14) , 2014
- Gomes, A. and Correia, F.B. , "Errors to avoid in Programming Teaching and Learning", in 7th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation – ICERI’14, 2014
- Gomes, A. and Correia, F.B. , "Programming Education Strategies", in 7th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation – ICERI’14, 2014
(1 publication)2012
(2 publications)- Gomes, A. and Santos, A.N.F.S. and Antonio Jose Mendes , "A study on students’ behaviors and attitudes towards learning to program.", in 17th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education – ITiCSE2012, Haifa, Israel, 2012
- Antonio Jose Mendes and Paquete, L. and Amilcar Cardoso and Gomes, A. , "Increasing student commitment in introductory programming learning", in Frontiers in Education 2012 - Seattle USA, 82-87, 2012
(1 publication)2010
(2 publications)- Gomes, A. and Antonio Jose Mendes , "A study on student performance in first year CS courses", in 15th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education – ITiCSE2010, Ancara, Turquia, 2010
- Gomes, A. and Antonio Jose Mendes , "Studies and proposals about initial programming learning", in 40th Annual Frontiers in Education (FIE’10) Conference, Washington, USA, 2010
(1 publication)2008
(4 publications)- Gomes, A. and Antonio Jose Mendes , "A study on student's characteristics and programming learning", in EDMEDIA08 - World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, 2008
- Santos, A.N.F.S. and Gomes, A. and Antonio Jose Mendes , "E-Learning platform adapted to programming teaching/learning", in EDMEDIA08 - World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, 2008
- Pacheco, A.I.N.d.B.d.A. and Gomes, A. and Henriques, J.G. and Ana Maria de Almeida and Antonio Jose Mendes , "Mathematics and Programming: Some studies", in International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies - CompSysTech08, vol. 374, 2008
- Pacheco, A.I.N.d.B.d.A. and Gomes, A. and Henriques, J.G. and Ana Maria de Almeida and Antonio Jose Mendes , "A study on basic mathematics knowledge for the enhancement of programming learning skills", in Informatics Education Europe III - IEEIII08, 2008
(4 publications)- Gomes, A. and Carmo, L. and Santos, A.N.F.S. and Antonio Jose Mendes , "Learning styles in an e-learning tool", in International Conference on Engineering Education, 2007
- Gomes, A. and Antonio Jose Mendes , "Learning to program - difficulties and solutions", in International Conference on Engineering Education, 2007
- Gomes, A. and Antonio Jose Mendes , "Problem solving in programming", in 19th Annual Workshop of the Psychology of Programming Interest Group, 2007
- Gomes, A. and Antonio Jose Mendes , "An environment to improve programming education", in International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies - CompSysTech07, 2007
(3 publications)- Gomes, A. and Carmo, L. and Bigotte, E. and Antonio Jose Mendes , "Mathematics and programming problem solving", in 3rd E-Learning Conference - Computer Science Education, 2006
- Carmo, L. and Gomes, A. and Pereira, F.B. and Antonio Jose Mendes , "Learning styles and problem solving strategies", in 3rd E-Learning Conference - Computer Science Education, 2006
- Marcelino, M.J.P. and Gomes, A. and Antonio Jose Mendes , "A Web-based approach to support initial algorithmic procedural programming learning", in 3rd E-Learning Conference - Computer Science Education, 2006
(1 publication)2004
(4 publications)- Marcelino, M.J.P. and Gomes, A. and Dimitrov, N. and Antonio Jose Mendes , "Using a computer-based interactive system for the development of basic algorithmic and programming skills", in International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies - CompSysTech 2004, 2004
- Antonio Jose Mendes and Marcelino, M.J.P. and Gomes, A. and Esteves, M. and Redondo, M.A. and Bravo, C. , "Collaboration and Program Simulation in Programming Learning", 2004
- Gomes, A. and Antonio Jose Mendes and Marcelino, M.J.P. , "Avaliação e evolução de um sistema de apoio à aprendizagem da programação", 2004
- Bravo, C. and Redondo, M.A. and Marcelino, M.J.P. and Gomes, A. and Esteves, M. and Antonio Jose Mendes , "Integrando herramientas educativas para el aprendizaje colaborativo de la Programación", 2004
(2 publications)- Gomes, A. and Antonio Jose Mendes , "Suporte à aprendizagem da programação com o ambiente SICAS", in V Congresso Ibero-Americano de Informática Educativa, 2000
- Gomes, A. and Antonio Jose Mendes , "SICAS: Sistema Interactiva para a Construção de Algoritmos e sua Simulação", in II Simpósio Internacional de Informática Educativa, 2000
(1 publication)Book Chapters
(2 publications)- Teixeira, A.R. and Gomes, A. and Orvalho, J. , "BLUEEYES – A pilot project and a new way to see the world", in Handbook of Research on Human-Computer Interfaces and New Modes of Interactivity, vol. 1, pp. 405-428, 2019
- Gomes, A. and Santos, A.N.F.S. and Alcobia, C. and Páris, C. and Rasteiro, D. and Bigotte, E. and Moita, F. and Carvalho, F. and Pires, G. and Laíns, J. and Amaro, P. and Roseiro, L. , "Development of a Biomechanical Bike with Assistive Technologies to Be Used for Rehabilitation", in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computin, vol. 876, pp. 968-973, 2019
(1 publication)- Teixeira, A.R. and Orvalho, J. and Gomes, A. , "Auditory Feedback in a Computer Game for Blind People", in Smart Technology Applications in Business Environments, vol. 1, pp. 134-158, 2017 [ DOI ]
(2 publications)- Gomes, A. and Martins, N. and Santos, A.N.F.S. and Páris, C. , "Code Factory - Um Jogo Sério para ensinar a programa", in Estratégias de Ensino e Sucesso Académico: Boas Práticas no Ensino Superior – Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação no Ensino Superior, vol. 3, pp. 100-120, 2016
- Gomes, A. and Santos, A.N.F.S. and Páris, C. and Martins, N. , "Playing with Programming: A Serious Game to Start Programming.", in Gamification-Based E-Learning Strategies for Computer Programming Education, vol. 1, pp. 261-277, 2016