A study on student performance in first year CS courses



Computer Science Education


15th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education – ITiCSE2010, Ancara, Turquia, June 2010

Cited by

Year 2015 : 1 citations

 McKee-Scott, J., A study of an educational game for learning programming (T). Tese de Mestrado, University of British Columbia.

Year 2014 : 2 citations

 Price, K. e Smith, S., Improving student performance in CS1. Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 30 (2), pp. 157-163, 2014.

 Maleko, M., The mobile social learning environment for novice programmers, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Computer Science and Information Technology, RMIT University.

Year 2012 : 2 citations

 Almeida, C., Mindstorms na aprendizagem da algoritmia e programação. Dissertação de Mestrado em Comunicação e Multimédia, Universidade de Aveiro, 2012.

 Murphy, L., Fitzgerald, S., Lister, R. e McCauley, R., Ability to ‘explain in plain english’ linked to proficiency in computer-based programming. In Proceedings of the ninth annual international conference on International computing education research, pp. 111-118, Auckland, Nova Zelandia, Setembro de 2012.

Year 2011 : 2 citations

 Amran, N., Bahri, F., Yusop, Z. e Abdullah, S., Learning Styles of Non-Science and Non-Technology Students on Technical Courses in an Information Management Program. Education for Information, 28(2-4), pp. 325-339, 2011.

 Teague, M., Pedagogy of introductory computer programming: a people-first approach. Tese de Mestrado, Queensland University of Technology, Setembro de 2011.