Using Simulation and Collaboration in CS1 and CS2
Antonio Jose Mendes
Micaela Esteves
Anabela Jesus Gomes
Maria José Patricio Marcelino
Crescencio Bravo
Miguel Angel Redondo
Micaela Esteves
Anabela Jesus Gomes
Maria José Patricio Marcelino
Crescencio Bravo
Miguel Angel Redondo
In this paper we describe the main approach used in our institutions' basic programming courses. The difficulties we experienced in these courses led us to develop tools that, in our view, help students. We created and use animation-based algorithm tools, program simulation tools and problem solving collaboration support tools. The integration of these tools, plus the addition of some other new approaches, gives us a powerful environment that provides a higher level of support to our students.Keywords
Programming LearningSubject
Computer Science EducationConference
The Tenth ACM Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, June 2005Cited by
Year 2015 : 2 citations
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