Integrating New Technologies and Existing Tools to Promote Programming Learning



Computer Science Education


Algorithms, Vol. 3, #2, pp. 183-196, MDPI, April 2010

Cited by

Year 2015 : 3 citations

 Tavares, P., Gomes, E., Henriques, P., Animation and automatic evaluation in supporting the teaching of programming, 10th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), Aveiro, 2015.

 Štuikys, V., A Vision of Smart Teaching in CS, In Smart Learning Objects for Smart Education in Computer Science,
pp 3-32, Springer.

 Hooshyar, D., Ahmad, R., Nasir, M., Shamshirband, S., Horng, S., Flowchart-based programming environments for improving comprehension and problem-solving skill of novice programmers: a survey, International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms, Vol 7, Issue 1, 2015.

Year 2014 : 2 citations

 Azliza, Y., Noraida, A., Yusoff, Y., Yazid, M., Sukinah, A. e Suhana, S., Learning motivation assessment model: A review. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 8(4), pp. 163-169, 2014.

 Paredes, M., Debdi, O., Velazquez-Iturbide, J., GreedExCol: un sistema interactivo colaborativo para el aprendizaje de algoritmos voraces, Actas del VII Seminario de Investigacion en Tecnologias de la Informacion Aplicadas a la Educacion, Madrid.

Year 2013 : 2 citations

 Xinogalos, S. Using flowchart-based programming environments for simplifying programming and software engineering processes. In Proceedings of the IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, pp. 1313-1322, Berlin, Março de 2013.

 Velázquez, J. Paredes, M. e Ouafae, D., GreedExCol: Una herramienta educative basada en CSCL para el aprendizaje de algoritmos voraces. In Proceedings of XV Simposio Internacional de Tecnologías da la Información y las Comunicaciones en la Educación, pp. 96-103, Madrid, Espanha, Setembro de 2013.

Year 2012 : 3 citations

 Yacob, A. e Saman, M., Assessing level of motivation in learning programming among engineering students. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Informatics and Applications, Malásia, Junho de 2012.

 Korkmaz, O., The impact of critical thinking and logico-mathematical intelligence on algorithmic design skills. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 46(2), 2012.

 Yacob, A., Saman, M. e Yusoff, B., Constructivism learning theory for programming through an e-learning. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on New Trends in Information Science and Service Science and Data Mining, Taipé, Outubro de 2012.

Year 2011 : 1 citations

 Jesus, E., Teaching computer programming with structured programming language and flowcharts. In Proceedings of the 2011 Workshop on Open Source and Design of Communication, Lisboa, Julho de 2011.