Result Error Detection on Heterogeneous and Volatile Resources via Intermediate Checkpointing
Desktop grids use the free resources in Intranet and Internet environmentsfor large-scale computation and storage. While desktop grids offer tremendous
computational power and a high return on investment, one critical issue is the
validation of results returned by participating hosts that are volatile, anonymous,
and potentially malicious. We conduct a benefit analysis of a mechanism for
result validation that we proposed recently for the detection of errors in long-
running applications. This mechanism is based on using the digest of intermediate
checkpoints, and we show in theory and simulation that the relative benefit of
this method compared to the state-of-the-art is as high as 45%.
Desktop GridConference
CoreGRID Workshop on Grid Programming Model/Grid and P2P Systems Architecture/Grid Systems, Tools and Environments, June 2007PDF File
Cited by
Year 2010 : 1 citations
SungJin Choi, Rajkumar Buyya, Group-based adaptive result certification mechanism in Desktop Grids, Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 26, Issue 5, May 2010, Pages 776-786, ISSN 0167-739X, 10.1016/j.future.2009.05.025. (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167739X09000557)
Year 2009 : 2 citations
A Probabilistic Fault-Tolerant Recovery Mechanism for Task and Result ?
R Chayeh, C Cerin, M Jemni - ? of the 4th International Conference on ?, 2009 - Springer
Abstract. This paper deals with fault tolerant recovery mechanisms and prob- abilistic results
certification issues on large scale architectures. The related works in the result certification domain
are based on a total or a partial duplica- tion of the application. However, they are limited ...
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Group-based adaptive result certification mechanism in Desktop Gridsgridbus.org [PDF]
SJ Choi, R Buyya - Future Generation Computer Systems, 2009 - Elsevier
A Grid system is a platform that provides access to various computing resources owned by institutions
by making virtual organizations [15] and [16]. In contrast, a Desktop Grid system is a platform
that achieves high throughput computing by harvesting a number of idle desktop ...
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