Localização no Interior de Edifícios Recorrendo a Assinaturas GSM
The ability to fix the location is an important characteristic in many ubiquitous systems. This question is especially relevant when we are dealing with indoor environments where the location process become more complex due the amount of physical obstacles that prevent the use of approaches applied on outdoor environments, such as Global Positioning System (GPS).Several techniques have been applied based in different technologies, usually resorting to dedicated infra-structure, which make the process heavy. Recent approaches seek to analyze the fingerprints produced by the Radio-Frequency networks, such as Wi-Fi and Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) that remove the weight of a dedicated infra-structure.
The present work seeks to present a new approach to the indoor location process, resorting to GSM fingerprints and supported by a prediction algorithm based on instance-search. To accomplish this, it was studied the behavior of the GSM Radio-Frequency signals in buildings with distinct topologies and a prediction algorithm was implemented.
The developed algorithm achieves a small improvement in the precision of the location process comparatively to the algorithms traditionally applied. This approach appears as an alternative to the indoor location mechanisms.