Applying the Discourse Theory to the Moderator\'s Interferences in Web Debates



This paper presents a methodology for supporting the moderation phase in DCC (Democratic Citizenship Community), a virtual community for supporting e-democratic processes in e-life systems and applications. Based on the Government-Citizen Interactive Model, the DCC encompasses an innovative debate structure, as well as the moderator’s participation based on Discourse Theory, specially concerning argumentative mistakes. Concerning the moderator’s role, efforts have been made in order to improve the formalization of arguments and opinions while maintaining the usability of the platform. This research focuses on the moderator’s participation via a case study and the experiment is analyzed in a Web debate.


Web debates, Moderation, e-Discourse, e-Government, Decision-making, Virtual community



Book Chapter

Enterprise Information Systems (LNBIP), -, pp. 882-893, Springer-Verlag, January 2009

Cited by

Year 2014 : 1 citations

 GP Dias (2014). Bibliometric Analysis of Portuguese Research in e-government, in Procedia Technology, 2014 - Elsevier