Modeling Games with Petri Nets



Digital Games Research


DIGRA2009 - Breaking New Ground: Innovation in Games, Play, Practice and Theor, September 2009

Cited by

Year 2016 : 1 citations

 Prilandita, N., McLellan, B. C., & Tezuka, T. Warga).

Year 2015 : 5 citations

 Martens, C. (2015, September). Ceptre: A Language for Modeling Generative Interactive Systems. In Eleventh Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment Conference.

 Szilágyi, L. (2015). Random Process Simulation Using Petri Nets. MACRo 2015, 1(1), 177-182.

 Maharjan, B. (2015). Modeling humanoid swarm robots with petri nets.

 Benjamin, P. T. (2015). Le suivi de l'apprenant dans le cadre du serious gaming (Doctoral dissertation, Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris VI).

 Thomas Benjamin, P. (2015). Le suivi de l'apprenant dans le cadre du serious gaming (Doctoral dissertation, Paris 6).

Year 2014 : 7 citations

 S Kriglstein, R Brown, G Wallner (2014). Workflow Patterns as a Means to Model Task Succession in Games: A Preliminary Case Study - Entertainment Computing–ICEC 2014, 2014 - Springer

 I Mounier, A Yessad, T Carron, F Kordon, JM Labat (2014). Formal Framework to improve the reliability of concurrent and collaborative learning games,

 FM Barreto, S Julia (2014) Modeling and analysis of video games based on workflow nets and state graphs, Proceedings of 24th Annual International Conference on Artificial Life, 2014 -

 D Ašeriškis, R Damaševi?ius (2014) Gamification Patterns for Gamification Applications, Procedia Computer Science, 2014 - Elsevier

 D Llansó García (2014) Metodología ontológica para el desarrollo de videojuegos,

 Van Rozen, R., & Dormans, J. (2014). Adapting game mechanics with micro-machinations. In Foundations of Digital Games. Society for the Advancement of the Science of Digital Games.

 Ašeriškis, D., & Damaševi?ius, R. (2014). Gamification Patterns for Gamification Applications. Procedia Computer Science, 39, 83-90.

Year 2013 : 6 citations

 Syufagi, M. A., Hariadi, M., & Purnomo, M. H. (2013). Petri net model for serious games based on motivation behavior classification. International Journal of Computer Games Technology, 2013, 1.

 Carron, T., Kordon, F., Labat, J. M., Mounier, I., & Yessad, A. (2013, January). Toward Improvement of Serious Game Reliability. In European Conference on Games Based Learning (p. 80). Academic Conferences International Limited.

 Almeida, M. S., & da Silva, F. S. Requirements for game design tools.,

 Llansó, D., Gómez-Mart?n, P. P., Gómez-Mart?n, M. A., & González-Calero, P. A. (2013, November). A Declarative Domain Model Can Serve as Design Document. In Ninth Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment Conference.

 Klint, P., & van Rozen, R. (2013). Micro-Machinations. In Software Language Engineering (pp. 36-55). Springer International Publishing.

 Almeida, M. S. O., & da Silva, F. S. C. (2013). A Systematic Review of Game Design Methods and Tools. In Entertainment Computing–ICEC 2013 (pp. 17-29). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Year 2012 : 5 citations

 Dormans, J. (2012). Engineering emergence: applied theory for game design.

 Dormans, J. (2012). The effectiveness and efficiency of model driven game design. In Entertainment Computing-ICEC 2012 (pp. 542-548). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

 Thomas, P., Labat, J. M., Muratet, M., & Yessad, A. (2012, January). How to evaluate competencies in game-based learning systems automatically?. In Intelligent Tutoring Systems (pp. 168-173). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

 Francillette, Y., Gouaich, A., Hocine, N., & Pons, J. (2012, July). A gameplay loops formal language. In Computer Games (CGAMES), 2012 17th International Conference on (pp. 94-101). IEEE.

 Marczak, R., van Vught, J., Schott, G., & Nacke, L. E. (2012, July). Feedback-based gameplay metrics: measuring player experience via automatic visual analysis. In Proceedings of The 8th Australasian Conference on Interactive Entertainment: Playing the System (p. 6). ACM.

Year 2011 : 4 citations

 Syufagi, M. A., Hery, P. M., & Hariadi, M. (2011, December). Modeling serious games based on Cognitive Skill classification using Learning Vector Quantization with Petri net. In Advanced Computer Science and Information System (ICACSIS), 2011 International Conference on (pp. 159-164). IEEE.

 Syufagi, M. A., Hariadi, M., & Purnomo, M. H. Petri Net Model for Serious Games based on Motivation Behavior Classification.

 Hakem, K., Chaillet, V., & Sander, E. (2011). DIANE un EIAH fondé sur les effets de contenu pour les apprentissages arithmétiques: du diagnostic automatique à son interprétation. EIAH 2011, 301.

 Thomas, P., Yessad, A., & Labat, J. M. (2011). Réseaux de Petri et ontologies: des outils pour le suivi de l'apprenant dans les jeux sérieux. In Actes de la conférence EIAH 2011 (pp. 435-447).

Year 2010 : 3 citations

 Yessad, A., Thomas, P., Capdevila, B., & Labat, J. M. (2010). Using the Petri Nets for the Learner Assessment in Serious Games. In Advances in Web-Based Learning–ICWL 2010 (pp. 339-348). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

 Verbrugge, C., & Zhang, P. (2010). Analyzing computer game narratives. In Entertainment Computing-ICEC 2010 (pp. 224-231). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

 Verbrugge, C., & Zhang, P. (2010). Analyzing Modern Computer Game Narratives.