Prediction of Forest Aboveground Biomass: An Exercise on Avoiding Overfitting
Sara Silva
Vijay Ingalalli
Susana Vinga
Joao M. B. Carreiras
Joana Melo
Mauro Castelli
Leonardo Vanneschi
Ivo Gonçalves
José Caldas
Vijay Ingalalli
Susana Vinga
Joao M. B. Carreiras
Joana Melo
Mauro Castelli
Leonardo Vanneschi
Ivo Gonçalves
José Caldas
Evolutionary Computation, Genetic ProgrammingRelated Project
EnviGP - Improving Genetic Programming for the Environment and Other ApplicationsConference
EvoApplications, April 2013PDF File
Cited by
Year 2014 : 2 citations
Filippi, Anthony M., ?nci Güneralp, and Jarom Randall. "Hyperspectral remote sensing of aboveground biomass on a river meander bend using multivariate adaptive regression splines and stochastic gradient boosting." Remote Sensing Letters 5.5 (2014): 432-441.
Güneralp, ?nci, Anthony M. Filippi, and Jarom Randall. "Estimation of floodplain aboveground biomass using multispectral remote sensing and nonparametric modeling." International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 33 (2014): 119-126.