Benefits of SenseCam Review on Neuropsychological Test Performance
One of the core applications of Microsoft's SenseCam is memory rehabilitation. Research has shown that it is an effective memory aid that can cue episodic memories. However, the extent to which SenseCam might improve aspects of memory beyond merely re-presenting forgotten events and locations has not been assessed.In line with neuroimaging and anecdotal reports, this study aimed to investigate the hypothesis that SenseCam review would enhance cognitive function more generally.
Participants were 15 healthy younger adults and 14 healthy older adults who wore a SenseCam for 3 days, and wrote a diary for another 3 days (control). In each of these conditions, participants completed a comprehensive neuropsychological battery immediately following review of the pictures or reading of the diary. Data for this study were collected from October to December 2011 and analyzed from January to March 2012.
Both young and older adults showed higher performance on most measures used in this study immediately following SenseCam review. Effects were largest for memory and executive function tasks, whereas speed of processing was not affected.
SenseCam review seems to act as a cognitive stimulant in the short term, with higher neuropsychological assessment scores following SenseCam review compared to re-reading a diary.
American journal of preventive medicine, Vol. 44, #3, pp. 302-307, March 2013DOI
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