
Luis Macedo
Departamento de Engenharia InformáticaFaculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Universidade de Coimbra
Polo II - Pinhal de Marrocos
3030-290 Coimbra
Room: D.2.2
Tel.: +351 239790066
Fax: +351 239701266
Home Page
Cognitive and Media SystemsResearch interests
Artificial IntelligenceCognitive Science
Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
Emotion/Affective Computing
Surprise and Curiosity
Exploration of unknown environments
Selective attention
Cognitive Agents
Planning/Decision-making under uncertainty
Machine Learning
Computational creativity
User modelling and Personalisation
Recommender systems
Quantum Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Cognition
Center for Informatics and Systems of the University of CoimbraShort Bio
Luís Macedo is Assistant Professor at the Department of Informatics Engineering of the University of Coimbra. He received his PhD in Informatics Engineering in 2007 from the University of Coimbra. He is a member of the Cognitive and Media Systems at the Center for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra. His research interests lie in Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, more precisely in autonomous agents and multi-agent systems, affective computing (especially, surprise and curiosity), decision-making under uncertainty, machine learning, computational creativity, selective attention, user modelling, and recommender systems. His publications include over 100 papers. He was member of the Board of Directors of the Portuguese Association for Artificial Intelligence (APPIA) from 2011 to 2019.More information at his ResearchGate (, Google Scholar (, Academia, ORCID (, Academia (, and ResearchID ( pages.
Past Projects
Forms of Selective Attention in Intelligent Transportation Systems
iCIS - Intelligent Computing in the Internet of Services
SOCIALITE - Social-Oriented Internet of Things Architecture, Solutions and Environment. PTDC/EEI-SCR/2072/2014
Journal Articles
(1 publication)- J. Fernandes and Duarte Raposo and Ngombo Armando and Sinche Soraya and Jorge Sá Silva and Rodrigues, A. and Vasco Pereira and Gonçalo Oliveira, H, and Macedo, L. and Boavida, F. , "ISABELA – A Socially-Aware Human-in-the-Loop Advisor System", Online Social Networks and Media, vol. 16, pp. 100060-100060, 2020 [ DOI ]
(1 publication)- Lino, A.D.P. and Rocha, Á. and Macedo, L. and Sizo, A. , "Application of clustering-based decision tree approach in SQL query error database", Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 93, pp. 392-406, 2019 [ DOI ]
(3 publications)- Silva, A.R.S.e. and Pinho, M.S. and Macedo, L. and Moulin, C. and Caldeira, S. and Firmino, H. , "It is not only memory: effects of sensecam on improving well-being in patients with mild alzheimer disease", International Psychogeriatrics, pp. 1-14, 2017 [ DOI ]
- Silva, A.R.S.e. and Pinho, M.S. and Macedo, L. and Moulin, C. , "The cognitive effects of wearable cameras in Mild Alzheimer disease - An experimental study.", Current Alzheimer Research, vol. 14, pp. 1270-1282, 2017 [ DOI ]
- Macedo, L. and Amilcar Cardoso , "A Contrast-Based Computational Model of Surprise and Its Applications", Topics in Cognitive Science, 2017 [ DOI ]
(2 publications)- Silva, A.R.S.e. and Pinho, M.S. and Macedo, L. and Moulin, C. , "A critical review of the effects of wearable cameras on memory", Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, pp. 1-25, 2016 [ DOI ]
- Silva, A.R.S.e. and Pinho, M.S. and Macedo, L. and Moulin, C. , "Mnemonic anosognosia in Alzheimer’s disease is caused by a failure to transfer online evaluations of performance: Evidence from memory training programs", Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, pp. 1-15, 2016 [ DOI ]
(1 publication)- Silva, A.R.S.e. and Pinho, M.S. and Macedo, L. and Moulin, C. , "Benefits of SenseCam Review on Neuropsychological Test Performance", American journal of preventive medicine, vol. 44, pp. 302-307, 2013 [ DOI ]
(1 publication)2008
(1 publication)Conference Articles
(1 publication)- Duarte, L. and Macedo, L. and Gonçalo Oliveira, H, , "Emoji Prediction for Portuguese", in 13th International Conference on the Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language (PROPOR 2020), 2020 [ DOI ]
(4 publications)- J. Fernandes and Duarte Raposo and Sinche Soraya and Ngombo Armando and Jorge Sá Silva and Rodrigues, A. and Macedo, L. and Gonçalo Oliveira, H, and Boavida, F. , "A Human-in-the-Loop Cyber-Physical Approach for Students' Performance Assessment", in SOCIALSENS 2019, the Fourth International Workshop on Social Sensing, Montreal, QC, Canada 15th April, 2019 [ DOI ]
- Duarte, L. and Macedo, L. and Gonçalo Oliveira, H, , "Exploring Emojis for Emotion Recognition in Portuguese Text", in 19th EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2019 [ DOI ]
- Lino, A.D.P. and Rocha, Á. and Macedo, L. and Sizo, A. , "LabDER - Relational Database Virtual Learning Environment", in 38th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2019), 2019
- Nuno Gil Fonseca and Macedo, L. and Antonio Jose Mendes , "A study on the students’ perspective about the usage of a programming monitoring tool", in Simpósio Internacional de Informática Educativa, 2019
(5 publications)- Nuno Gil Fonseca and Macedo, L. and Antonio Jose Mendes , "Supporting differentiated instruction in programming classes through permanent progress monitoring", in SIGCSE 2018, 2018
- Nuno Gil Fonseca and Macedo, L. and Antonio Jose Mendes , "Using early plagiarism detection in programming classes to address student’s difficulties", in Simpósio Internacional de Informática Educativa, 2018
- Nuno Gil Fonseca and Macedo, L. and Marcelino, M.J.P. and Antonio Jose Mendes , "Augmenting the teacher’s perspective on programming student’s performance via permanent monitoring", in 48th Annual Frontiers in Education (FIE’18) Conference, 2018
- Rahul Sharma and Ribeiro, B. and A. M. Pinto and Amilcar Cardoso and Duarte Raposo and Ngombo Armando and Rodrigues, A. and Jorge Sá Silva and Gonçalo Oliveira, H, and Macedo, L. and Boavida, F. , "Unveiling Markers of Stress Via Smartphone Usage", in Pattern Recognition (RecPad), 2018
- Lino, A.D.P. and Rocha, Á. and Macedo, L. , "A virtual learning environment to evaluate entity relationship diagram automatically", in 24th Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2018
(1 publication)2016
(1 publication)2015
(3 publications)- Davi Baccan and Sbruzzi, E. and Macedo, L. , "On the cognitive surprise in risk management: an analysis of the Value-at-Risk (VaR) historical", in 17th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence (EPIA), 2015
- Barreto, N.V. and Macedo, L. and Penousal Machado and Licinio Roque , "Incorporation of Emotions in the Orphibs' Agent Architecture", in The European Conference on Artificial Life 2015, 2015
- Silva, A.R.S.e. and Pinho, M.S. and Macedo, L. and Firmino, H. and Moulin, C. , "Using SenseCam to stimulate cognitive function and decrease depressive symptoms in mild Alzheimer disease", in International Psychogeriatrics, 2015
(5 publications)- Davi Baccan and Macedo, L. and Sbruzzi, E. , "Is the El Farol more efficient when cognitive rational agents have a larger memory size?", in IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 2014
- Davi Baccan and Macedo, L. and Sbruzzi, E. , "Towards modeling surprise in economics and finance: a cognitive science perspective", in 7th European Starting AI Researcher Symposium (STAIRS), 2014
- Macedo, L. and Costa, Hernani and Amilcar Cardoso , "Overcoming Information Overload with Artificial Selective Agents", in 13th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2014), 2014
- Macedo, L. and Costa, Hernani and Amilcar Cardoso , "Overcoming Information Overload with Artificial Selective Agents: an Application to Travel Information Domain", in 13th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems –8th International Workshop on Agents in Traffic and Transportation, 2014
- Barreto, N.V. and Macedo, L. and Licinio Roque , "MultiAgent System Architecture in Orphibs II", in Artificial Life 14: International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems, 2014
(7 publications)- Davi Baccan and Macedo, L. , "Revisiting the El Farol problem: a cognitive modeling approach", in Multi-Agent-Based Simulation XIII, MABS , 2013
- Davi Baccan and Macedo, L. , "Are markets more efficient when cognitive agents act rationally? Evidence from the El Farol", in 16th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2013
- Costa, Hernani and Macedo, L. , "Emotion-Based Recommender System for Overcoming the Problem of Information Overload", in 11th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Salamanca, Spain, 2013 [ DOI ]
- Costa, Hernani and Furtado, B. and Pires, D. and Macedo, L. and Amilcar Cardoso , "Recommending POIs Based on the User's Context and Intentions", in 11th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Salamanca, Spain, 2013 [ DOI ]
- Macedo, L. and Costa, Hernani and Amilcar Cardoso , "A Selective Attention-based, Multi-Agent, Travel Information System", in 16th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2013
- Gaspar, Y. and Macedo, L. , "Towards Affect-based User Models: a comparative study with various datasets, features and algorithms, for multi-labeled probabilistic affect detection", in 5th Symposium on Informatics (INForum 2013), Évora, Portugal, 2013
- Macedo, L. , "Arguments for a Computational Model for Forms of Selective Attention based on Cognitive and Affective Feelings", in 5th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2013), 2013
(3 publications)- Costa, Hernani and Furtado, B. and Pires, D. and Macedo, L. and Amilcar Cardoso , "Context and Intention-Awareness in POIs Recommender Systems", in 6th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2012), 4th Workshop on Context-Aware Recommender Systems, (CARS 2012) Dublin, Ireland. ACM, 2012
- Macedo, L. , "A computational model for forms of selective attention based on cognitive and affective feelings", in International Conference on Cognitive Modelling, 2012
- Silva, A.R.S.e. and Pinho, M.S. and Macedo, L. and Moulin, C. , "Does SenseCam improve general cognitive performance", in SenseCAm 2012, 2012
(4 publications)- Correia, P. and Leitão, A.P.d.A. and Macedo, L. and Amilcar Cardoso , "CABLE - Correlated Approach on BiLingual Evaluation", in 15th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence (EPIA 2011), 2011
- Davi Baccan and Macedo, L. , "The Role of Surprise in Agent-based Computational Economics (ACE)", in Doctoral Symposium on Artificial Intelligence (SDIA) of the 15th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence (EPIA), 2011
- Macedo, L. and Tavares, M. and Gaspar, P. and Amilcar Cardoso , "Uncertainty and novelty-based selective attention in the collaborative exploration of unknown environments", in 5th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence (EPIA 2011), 2011
- Catré, P. and Cardoso, L. and Macedo, L. and Amilcar Cardoso , "Building spatiotemporal emotional maps for social systems", in 15th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence (EPIA 2011), 2011
(4 publications)- Macedo, L. , "Selecting Information based on Artificial Forms of Selective Attention", in 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2010), 2010
- Macedo, L. , "The Practical Advantage of Surprise-based Agents", in 9th Int. Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2010), 2010
- Macedo, L. , "A Surprise-based Selective Attention Agent for Travel Information", in 6th Workshop on Agents in Traffic and Transportation - 9th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems 2010, 2010
- Silva, A.R.S.e. and Pinho, M.S. and Kalnikaite, V. and Macedo, L. , "Use of SenseCam to complement traditional rehabilitation approaches for patients with mild Alzheimer?s", in Proceedings of the 2nd Annual SenseCam Symposium (SenseCam 2010), 2010
(3 publications)- Davi Baccan and Macedo, L. , "Emotional autobiographical memories for artificial agents", in Doctoral Symposium on Artificial Intelligence (SDIA) of the 14th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence (EPIA), 2009
- Davi Baccan and Macedo, L. , "Endowing artificial agents with emotional autobiographical memories", in Doctoral Consortium of the Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), 2009
- Nuno Gil Fonseca and Bento, C. and Macedo, L. , "Delivery of Travel Information Supported on Surprise and Relevance", in InMotion '09 : Pervasive Technologies for Improved Mobility and Transportation (Held in conjunction with Pervasive 2009, 2009
(1 publication)2006
(1 publication)2005
(2 publications)- Macedo, L. and Amilcar Cardoso , "Building maps from incomplete environment information: a cognitive approach based on the generation of expectations", in 5th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, 2005
- Macedo, L. and Amilcar Cardoso , "The role of Surprise, Curiosity and Hunger on Exploration of Unknown Environments Populated with Entities", in 12th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2005, 2005
(8 publications)- Macedo, L. and Amilcar Cardoso , "Exploration of Unknown Environments with Motivational Agents", in AAMAS04 - Third International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent System, 2004
- Macedo, L. and Amilcar Cardoso , "Using CBR in the Exploration of Unknown Environments with an Autonomous Agent", in 7th European Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ECCBR 2004), vol. 3155, 2004
- Macedo, L. and Amilcar Cardoso , "Case-Based, Decision-Theoretic, HTN Planning", in 7th European Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ECCBR 2004), vol. 3155, 2004
- Macedo, L. and Reisenzein, R. and Amilcar Cardoso , "Modeling Forms of Surprise in Artificial Agents: Empirical and Theoretical Study of Surprise Functions", in 26th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2004
- Macedo, L. , "Planning, Exploration and Creativity in Motivational Agents Inhabiting Unknown, Dynamic Environments", in Third International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 2004
- Macedo, L. and Amilcar Cardoso , "Emotional-based Planning", in AISB\'04, 2004
- Macedo, L. and Amilcar Cardoso , "A Motivation-based Approach for Autonomous Generation and Ranking of Goals in Artificial Agents", in AISB\'04, 2004
- Macedo, L. , "Integrating Planning, Creativity and Exploration in Motivational Agents", in 26th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2004
(1 publication)2002
(2 publications)- Macedo, L. and Amilcar Cardoso , "Assessing creativity: the importance of unexpected novelty", in Workshop on Creative Systems: Aproaches to Creativity in AI and Cognitive Science, ECAI2002, 2002
- Macedo, L. and Amilcar Cardoso , "Towards the integration of creative and ordinary problem solving in artificial agents", in Creative Thinking: an indispensable asset for successful future, 2002
(5 publications)- Macedo, L. and Amilcar Cardoso , "Using Surprise to Create Products that get the Attention of other Agents", in AAAI Fall Symposium Emotional and Intelligent II: The Tangled Knot of Social Cognition, 2001
- Macedo, L. and Amilcar Cardoso , "Modelling Forms of Surprise in an Artificial Agent", in 23rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2001
- Macedo, L. and Amilcar Cardoso , "The Influence of the Size of the Episodic Memory on the Surprise-value of the Creative Agent's Products", in 2rd. Workshop on Creative Systems. Approaches to Creativity in Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, ICCBR01, 2001
- Macedo, L. and Amilcar Cardoso , "Creativity and Surprise", in AISB\'01 Symposium on Creativity in Arts and Science, 2001
- Macedo, L. and Amilcar Cardoso , "SC-EUNE - Surprise/Curiosity-based Exploration of Uncertain and Unknown Environments", in AISBâ??01 Symposium on Emotion, Cognition and Affective Computing, 2001
(1 publication)1998
(3 publications)- Macedo, L. , "A Model for Creative Problem Solving based on Divergent Production of Solutions", in European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1998
- Macedo, L. and Amilcar Cardoso , "Nested-Graph structured representations for cases", in European Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning, vol. 1488, 1998
- Macedo, L. and Amilcar Cardoso , "A computational model for creative problem solving", in Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 1998
(5 publications)- Pereira, F.C. and Grilo, C. and Macedo, L. and Amilcar Cardoso , "Composing Music with Case-Based Reasoning", in MIND-II, 1997
- Grilo, C. and Pereira, F.C. and Macedo, L. and Amilcar Cardoso , "A Structured Framework for Representing Time in a Generative Composing System", in TIME'97, 1997
- Macedo, L. and Pereira, F.C. and Grilo, C. and Amilcar Cardoso , "Experimental Study of a Similarity Metric for Retrieving Pieces from Structured Plan Cases: its Role in the Originality of Plan Case Solutions", in International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, vol. 1266, 1997
- Macedo, L. and Amilcar Cardoso and Grilo, C. , "An Artificial Planning Mind, Acting and Thinking Humanly", in International Conference on Cognitive Science, 1997
- Macedo, L. and Pereira, F.C. and Grilo, C. and Amilcar Cardoso , "A Model for Divergent Production of Plans: its Application in the Music Composition Domain", in Computational Models of Creative Cognition, 1997
(3 publications)- Macedo, L. and Pereira, F.C. and Grilo, C. and Amilcar Cardoso , "Plans as structured networks of hierarchically and temporally related case pieces", in Third European Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning (EWCBR-96), vol. 1168, 1996
- Macedo, L. and Pereira, F.C. and Grilo, C. and Amilcar Cardoso , "Towards a Computational Case-Based Model for Creative Planning", in European Workshop on Cognitive Modelling, 1996
- Macedo, L. and Pereira, F.C. and Grilo, C. and Amilcar Cardoso , "Solving Planning Problems that Require Creative Solutions Using a Hierarchical Case-Based Planning Approach", in International Conference on Knowledge Based Computer Systems, 1996
Book Chapters
(1 publication)2012
(1 publication)2009
(1 publication)1998
(1 publication)PhD Theses
(1 publication)MSc Theses
(1 publication)Tech Report
(2 publications)- Gaspar, Y. and Macedo, L. , "Towards Affect-based User Models", 2013
- Gaspar, Y. and Macedo, L. , "Towards Building User Affect Models from Tweets", 2013