A Human-in-the-Loop Cyber-Physical Approach for Students' Performance Assessment
José Marcelo Fernandes
Duarte Raposo
Soraya Lucia Sinche Maita
Ngombo Armando
Jorge Sá Silva
André Rodrigues
Luis Macedo
Hugo Gonçalo Oliveira
Fernando Boavida
Duarte Raposo
Soraya Lucia Sinche Maita
Ngombo Armando
Jorge Sá Silva
André Rodrigues
Luis Macedo
Hugo Gonçalo Oliveira
Fernando Boavida
As the number of smart devices that surround us increases, so do the possibilities of leveraging them to create intelligent, socially-aware systems. However, apart from e-health systems, few applications consider humans as active system players. In fact, most applications/systems have the sole objective of providing some service to humans without considering their intents, actions or emotions. In this respect, they can be looked at as open loop. Systems that do consider human feedback are called Human-in-the-Loop Cyber-Physical-Systems (HiTLCPS), and integrate the humans in a feedback loop, with potential to react and change the environment. In this paper, we propose an approach that implements the HITLCPS concept. The developed platform, ISABELA, explores both online social networks (OSN) data as well as a variety of other data, including environment data and data from personal mobile devices, thus combining IoT, social sensors and mobile sensing. In addition to present the system architecture, the paper provides preliminary results obtained during field trials.Keywords
HiTLCPS, Smartphone Sensing, Social Sensors, IoT, Online Social NetworksSubject
Automatic and Passive Sensing of Students performanceRelated Project
SOCIALITE - Social-Oriented Internet of Things Architecture, Solutions and Environment. PTDC/EEI-SCR/2072/2014Conference
SOCIALSENS 2019, the Fourth International Workshop on Social Sensing, Montreal, QC, Canada 15th April, April 2019DOI
Cited by
Year 2019 : 1 citations
Bastos, M. V. (2019). Personality detection from the use of smartphone (Doctoral dissertation, Universidade de Coimbra).