Health monitoring sensor suppliers integration
Some of the elderly population is unable to live on their own and require assistanceand supervision. Assisted Living facilities ensure their health and well being through
supervision of their vital conditions, helping with medication routines and assisting them whenever necessary. Wisedome is a platform that enables residents in Assisted Living facilities or Long-Term Care institutions to be continuously monitored by using sensor devices, warning caregivers of potential harmful situations such as elderly patient falls or changes in cardiac heart rate.
In order to provide its customers with the best state-of-the-art sensors, the Wisedome
health monitoring platform should be sensor agnostic and integrate multiple types of sensors from different hardware suppliers, that adapt to different types of senior patients with different necessities.
The goal of this project was to contribute to the development and evolution of the
Wisedome health monitoring application. This overall goal can be divided into three main
tasks: research of industry coalitions that try to achieve interoperability between sensor
devices; extension of Wisedome’s currently functionality by enabling it to not only use
different types of sensors from different vendors, but to also be able to use them
simultaneously and dynamically; contributions in the software’s quality management system, namely in requirement analysis and system testing.
This document serves as a report on the performed tasks and contributions made to the
Wisedome platform during this project’s execution.