IJCNN, International Join Conference on Neural Networks, May 2002
Cited by
Year 2017 : 1 citations
Saranya, S. N., et al. "Modeling and control of plate type heat exchangers using PI and PID controllers." Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO), 2017 11th International Conference on. IEEE, 2017.
Besta, Chandra Shekar, and Anil Kumar Kastala. "MATLAB Interfacing: Real-Time Implementation of a Fuzzy Logic Controller." In Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 349-354. 2013.
Year 2011 : 1 citations
Al-Tae, Afraa Hilal Kamel. "Comparative Study of Temperature Control in a Heat Exchanger Process." PhD diss., University of Technology, 2011.
D. D. Nguyen, B. Lehman, and S. Kamarthi, “Performance evaluation of solar photovoltaic arrays including shadow effects using neural network”, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE, pp. 3357-3362, 2009.
Year 2008 : 1 citations
Modeling and reconfiguration of solar photovoltaic arrays under non-uniform shadow conditions
DD Nguyen - Electrical Engineering Dissertations, 2008 - iris.lib.neu.edu
Year 2007 : 1 citations
E.F. Camacho, F.R. Rubio, M. Berenguel and L. Valenzuela, “A survey on control schemes for distributed solar collector fields. Part II: Advanced control approaches”, Solar Energy, 2007, 81, pp. 1252-1272, 2007.