Communication and Security in Machine-to-Machine Systems
Iva Bojic
Jorge Granjal
Edmundo Monteiro
Damjan Katusic
P.F. Oliveira
Pavle Skocir
Mario Kusek
Gordan Jezic
Jorge Granjal
Edmundo Monteiro
Damjan Katusic
P.F. Oliveira
Pavle Skocir
Mario Kusek
Gordan Jezic
Machine-to-Machine (M2M) systems and technologies cur- rently constitute a hot topic in the field of Information and Communi- cation Technology (ICT), and reflect an increasing need for technologies enabling applications in diverse areas, as well as interactions between continuously increasing numbers of connected devices. Important partic- ipants in making M2M systems widely used and applicable in numerous real-life scenarios are standardization organizations. They try to develop technical specifications that address the need for a common M2M ser- vice layer, which can be realized through various hardware and software implementations. This chapter presents current standards and architec- ture of M2M systems with the focus on communication and security is- sues, while also discussing current and future research efforts addressing important open issues. One of the main problems in the area is corre- lated with heterogeneous devices, which are using different technologies for communication. Because of communication technology diversity, re- search challenges are to uniquely identify devices, and to enable them to communicate securely. To tackle the former, previously proposed, a unique identifying scheme that enables device identification regardless of used technology is explained. Regarding the latter, we analyze how cur- rent standards and architecture of M2M systems define basic processes for secure connection establishment, and also discuss open issues, both in respect to aspects not covered by current standards and in relation to research proposals which may integrate with M2M systems in future versions of the standards.Subject
Security in Machine-to-Machine SystemsBook Chapter
Wireless Networking for Moving Objects, 3, pp. 255-251, Wiley, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, August 2014DOI
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Year 2015 : 1 citations
Bojic, Iva, and Kristian Nymoen. "Survey on synchronization mechanisms in machine-to-machine systems." Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 45 (2015): 361-375.