
Jorge Granjal
Communications and TelematicsNational Projects
MobiWise: from mobile sensing to mobility advising
5G - Components and Services for 5G Networks (5G - Componentes e Serviços para Redes 5G)
International Projects
Past Projects
ICT FP7 GINSENG - Performance Control in Wireless Sensor Networks
Middleware for Wireless Sensor Networks
COST Action IC0906: WiNeMO - Wireless Networking for Moving Objects
(1 publication)2013
(1 publication)2010
(1 publication)Journal Articles
(1 publication)- Malik, M. and Dutta, M. and Granjal, J , "A survey of Key bootstrapping protocols based on Public Key Cryptography in the Internet of Things", IEEE Access, vol. 1, pp. 1-1, 2019 [ DOI ]
(2 publications)- Granjal, J and Pedroso, A. , "An Intrusion Detection and Prevention Framework for Internet-Integrated CoAP WSN", Security and Communication Networks, vol. 2018, 2018 [ DOI ]
- Granjal, J and Silva, J.M. and Lourenço, Nuno , "Intrusion Detection and Prevention in CoAP Wireless Sensor Networks Using Anomaly Detection", Sensors, vol. 18, pp. 2445-2445, 2018
(1 publication)2015
(2 publications)- Granjal, J and Edmundo Monteiro and Jorge Sá Silva , "Security for the Internet of Things: A Survey of Existing Protocols and Open Research issues", IEEE Surveys & Tutorials, 2015
- Marinho, J.M. and Granjal, J and Edmundo Monteiro , "A survey on security attacks and countermeasures with primary user detection in cognitive radio networks", EURASIP Journal on Information Security, vol. 2015, 2015 [ DOI ]
(1 publication)- Granjal, J and Edmundo Monteiro and Jorge Sá Silva , "Security in the integration of low-power Wireless Sensor Networks with the Internet: A survey", Ad Hoc Networks, vol. 1, pp. 1-1, 2014 [ DOI ]
(1 publication)Conference Articles
(1 publication)- Lourenço, Nuno and Bruno Cabral and Granjal, J , "Driving Profile using Evolutionary Computation", in 2019 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2019 [ DOI ]
(1 publication)- Granjal, J and Pedroso, A. , "Intrusion Detection and Prevention with Internet-integrated CoAP Sensing Applications", in 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security, 2018 [ DOI ]
(1 publication)2016
(2 publications)- Granjal, J and Edmundo Monteiro , "End-to-end Transparent Transport-Layer Security for Internet-integrated Mobile Sensing Devices", in IFIP Networking 2016, 2016
- Zheng, C. and Preda, M.D. and Granjal, J and Zanero, S. and Maggi, F. , "On-Chip System Call Tracing: A Feasibility Study and Open Prototype", in IEEE CNS 2016, 2016
(4 publications)- Granjal, J and Edmundo Monteiro and Jorge Sá Silva , "Application-layer security for the WoT: Extending CoAP to support end-to-end message security for Internet-integrated sensing applications", in The 11th International Conference on Wired/Wireless Internet Communications WWIC 2013, 2013
- Granjal, J and Edmundo Monteiro and Jorge Sá Silva , "End-to-end transport-layer security for Internet- integrated sensing applications with mutual and delegated ECC public-key authentication", in IFIP Networking 2013 Conference, 2013
- Granjal, J and Edmundo Monteiro and Jorge Sá Silva , "A framework towards adaptable and delegated end-to-end transport-layer security for Internet-integrated Wireless Sensor Networks", in Second Joint ERCIM eMobility and MobiSense Workshop - WWIC 2013, 2013
- Andre Riker and Granjal, J and Marilia Curado and Edmundo Monteiro , "Middleware Group Communication Mechanisms in M2M environments", in Second Joint ERCIM eMobility and MobiSense Workshop - WWIC 2013, 2013
(2 publications)- Granjal, J and Edmundo Monteiro and Jorge Sá Silva , "On the Feasibility of Secure Application-Layer Communications on the Web of Things", in The 37th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, LCN 2012, 2012
- Granjal, J and Edmundo Monteiro and Jorge Sá Silva , "On the effectiveness of end-to-end security for Internet-integrated sensing applications (best paper award)", in The IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things, iThings 2012, 2012
(1 publication)2010
(2 publications)- Granjal, J and Edmundo Monteiro and Jorge Sá Silva , "A secure interconnection model for IPv6 enabled Wireless Sensor Networks", in IFIP Wireless Days 2010, 2010
- Granjal, J and Edmundo Monteiro and Jorge Sá Silva , "Enabling network-layer security on IPv6 Wireless Sensor Networks", in IEEE Globecom 2010, 2010
(2 publications)- Granjal, J and Silva, R.M. and Edmundo Monteiro and Jorge Sá Silva and Boavida, F. , "Why is IPSec a viable option for wireless sensor networks", in 5th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems, 2008. MASS 2008, 2008
- Granjal, J and Edmundo Monteiro and Jorge Sá Silva , "Security in Wireless Sensor Networks", in Rede Temática de Comunicações Móveis, 8º Seminário, 2008
(1 publication)2003
(2 publications)- Trindade, A. and Jorge Sá Silva and Granjal, J and Boavida, F. , "Construção de uma plataforma SSM para ambientes IPv6 (Construction of an SSM Platform for IPv6 Environments)", 2003
- Mendes, R. and Jorge Sá Silva and Granjal, J and Boavida, F. , "Estado da arte e análise crítica de soluções para multicasting em ambientes Ipv6 wireless (State-of-the-Art and Analysis of Multicast Solutions for Wireless IPv6 Environments)", 2003
(1 publication)Book Chapters
(1 publication)2014
(1 publication)- Bojic, I. and Granjal, J and Edmundo Monteiro and Katusic, D. and Oliveira, P. and Skocir, P. and Kusek, M. and Jezic, G. , "Communication and Security in Machine-to-Machine Systems", in Wireless Networking for Moving Objects, vol. 1, pp. 255-251, 2014 [ DOI ]