Studying the Propagation of Failures in SOAs
Although Service Oriented Architectures (SOAs) are being increasingly used in business-critical scenarios, the applicability of Verification and Validation (V&V) is still very limited. The problem is that V&V activities have to be implemented at runtime to fit the characteristics of SOA. Recent proposals of runtime V&V techniques specific to SOA domain are far from being complete and a key issue lies in understanding how the “failures propagate” in a dynamic system and how to continuously verify its evolving elements. This paper introducesan approach to deal with the propagation of failures in a SOA environment. The proposed technique is based on three key steps: estimating the failure rate of the individual services, using fault injection to find the exposure of each service to failures from the invoked services, and estimating the impact of each service in the overall architecture. The overall approach is presented with a brief demonstration of its application.
failure propagation, fault injection, FMEA, Runtime V&V, SOASubject
Propagation of Failures in Service Oriented ArchitecturesRelated Project
DEVASSES: DEsign, Verification and VAlidation of large-scale, dynamic Service SystEmSConference
International Workshop on Recent Advances in the Dependability Assessment of Complex Systems (RADIANCE’2015), June 2015PDF File
Cited by
Year 2018 : 1 citations
Jones, T.B., Ackley, D.H., Damage reduction via white-box failure shaping (2018) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 11036 LNCS, pp. 213-228.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-99241-9_11
Year 2017 : 1 citations
White, Gary, Andrei Palade, Christian Cabrera, and Siobhán Clarke. "Quantitative evaluation of qos prediction in iot." In Dependable Systems and Networks Workshop (DSN-W), 2017 47th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on, pp. 61-66. IEEE, 2017.
Year 2016 : 1 citations
Jones, Thomas B., and David H. Ackley. "Scalable Robustness." Dependable Systems and Networks Workshop, 2016 46th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on. IEEE, 2016.