Analysis of Student Academic Performance Using Human-in-the-Loop Cyber-Physical Systems
Is it possible to analyze student academic performance using Human-in-the-Loop Cyber-Physical Systems (HiLCPS) and offering personalized learning methodologies? Taking advantage of the Internet of Things (IoT) and mobile phone sensors, this article presents a system that can be used to adapt pedagogical methodologies and to improve academic performance. Thus, in this domain, the present work shows a system capable of analyzing student behavior and the correlation with their academic performance. Our system is composed of an IoT application named ISABELA and a set of open-source technologies provided by the FIWARE Project. The analysis of student performance was done through the collection of data, during 30 days, from a group of Ecuadorian university students at “Escuela Politécnica Nacional” in Quito, Ecuador. Data gathering was carried out during the first period of classes using the students’ smartphones. In this analysis, we found a significant correlation between the students’ lifestyle and their academic performance according to certain parameters, such as the time spent on the university campus, the students’ sociability, and physical activity, etc.
academic performance, Internet of Things, Human-in-the-Loop Cyber-Physical Systems
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