Automatic Reading and Learning from Text
This paper presents our more recent research on the area of text reading andunderstanding and knowledge extraction. More specifically, we give an overview
of TextStorm and Clouds: two modules for the construction of concept maps. The
first one deals with the task of extracting relations between concepts from a text
file, while the latter concentrates on completing these relations and extrapolating
rules about the knowledge in hand. This is a hybrid framework that applies two
different areas of Artificial Intelligence: Natural Language Processing (in
TextStorm) and Machine Learning (in Clouds). We show an example and draw
Natural Language Processing, Text Analysis, Case-based Reasoning, Dialogue, Concept MapsSubject
Natural Language ProcessingConference
International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, ISAI'2001, December 2001PDF File
Cited by
Year 2019 : 5 citations
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Year 2017 : 5 citations
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Year 2014 : 12 citations
Atapattu, Thushari, Katrina Falkner, and Nickolas Falkner. "Evaluation of concept importance in concept maps mined from lecture notes: computer vs human." proceedings of the 6th International conference on computer supported education. 2014.
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Atapattu, Atapattu Mudiyanselage Thushari Dilhani. A Computational Model for Task-adapted Knowledge Organisation: Improving Learning through Concept Maps Extracted from Lecture Slides. Diss. University of Adelaide, 2014.
Year 2013 : 2 citations
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Year 2012 : 8 citations
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Year 2010 : 5 citations
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Year 2008 : 4 citations
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Year 2007 : 1 citations
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Year 2006 : 1 citations
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Year 2005 : 1 citations
Eva Blomqvist. "State of the Art: Patterns in Ontology Engineering". Report. University of Jonkoping, Sweden. ISSN 1404-0018
Year 2004 : 2 citations
Asunción Gómez-Pérez, David Manzano-Macho. "An overview of methods and tools for ontology learning from texts". The Knowledge Engineering Review (2004), 19: 187-212 Cambridge University Press
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Year 2003 : 1 citations
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