Experiments with a Fault Tolerant Adaptive Controller on a Solar Power Plant



6th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control - CONTROLO 2004, June 2004

Cited by

Year 2013 : 1 citations

 Flor Unda, Omar Cristóbal. "Control predictivo basado en modelo de un campo de colectores solares tipo acurex." (2013).

Year 2012 : 2 citations

 Do, Khoa Dang. "Reconfigurable control in electric utility power plants." (2012).

 Camacho, Eduardo F., Manuel Berenguel, Francisco R. Rubio, and Diego Martínez. "Advanced Control of Parabolic Troughs." In Control of Solar Energy Systems, pp. 129-238. Springer London, 2012.

Year 2009 : 1 citations

 Rubio, Francisco R., Eduardo F. Camacho, and Manuel Berenguel. "Control de campos de colectores solares." RIAII 3, no. 4 (2009): 26-45.

Year 2007 : 1 citations

 E.F. Camacho, F.R. Rubio, M. Berenguel and L. Valenzuela, “A survey on control schemes for distributed solar collector fields. Part II: Advanced control approaches”, Solar Energy, 2007, 81, pp. 1252-1272, 2007.

Year 2006 : 1 citations

 Rubio, F., E. Camacho, M. Berenguel, "Control de Campos de Colectores Solares", Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial, Vol. 3, Nº 4, pp. 26-45, 2006.