Simpler, Better, Faster, Cheaper, Contextual: requirements analysis for a methodological approach to Interaction Systems development



IS Research

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Year 2014 : 1 citations

 N Veljkovi?, S Bogdanovi?-Dini?, L Stoimenov (2014). Benchmarking open government: An open data perspective, in Government Information Quaterly, 2014 - Elsevier

Year 2011 : 1 citations

 Ojo, A., Janowski, T., & Estevez, E. (2011). Building theoretical foundations for electronic governance benchmarking. In Electronic Government (pp. 13-25). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Year 2009 : 1 citations

 Barricelli, B. R., Iacob, C., & Zhu, L. (2009). Map-based wikis as contextual and cultural mediators. In Proceedings of the Community Practices and Locative Media Workshop at MobileHCI.

Year 2007 : 2 citations

 Caglioni, M., & Rabino, G. A. (2007). Theoretical approach to urban ontology: a contribution from urban system analysis. In Ontologies for Urban Development (pp. 109-119). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

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