
Ana Maria Carvalho de Almeida
Centro de Informática e Sistemas da Universidade de CoimbraDep. De Informática, Pólo II - Pinhal de Marrocos
3030-290 Coimbra
Other Info:
Assistant Professor ISCTE Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Cognitive and Media SystemsResearch interests
Combinatorial OptimizationComplexity Theory
Algorithms and Data Structures
Feature Extraction, Pattern Recognition, Data Modelling and Analysis
Problem Modelling
ISCTE-IUL Instituto Universitário de LisboaCISUC
Short Bio
Mathematician & Computer Scientist but essentially an eager learner of the universe!National Projects
App Sentinel - Cloud-based Anti Malware Technology for Android App Stores
Past Projects
TICE.MOBILIDADE - Sistemas de Mobilidade Centrado no Utilizador
Eco circuitos
iCIS - Intelligent Computing in the Internet of Services
(1 publication)Journal Articles
(1 publication)- António, N. and Ana Maria de Almeida and Nunes, L. , "Hotel booking demand datasets", Data in Brief, vol. 22, pp. 41-49, 2019 [ DOI ]
(3 publications)- António, N. and Ana Maria de Almeida and Nunes, L. and Batista, F. and Ribeiro, R. , "Hotel online reviews: different languages, different opinions", Information Technology & Tourism, 2018 [ DOI ]
- Santos, F. and , K.K. and Ana Maria de Almeida and Eloy, S. and Taborda, B. , "Alternative shaper: a model for automatic design generation", Formal Aspects of Computing, 2018 [ DOI ]
- António, N. and Ana Maria de Almeida and Nunes, L. and Batista, F. and Ribeiro, R. , "Hotel online reviews: creating a multi-source aggregated index", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2018 [ DOI ]
(1 publication)- António, N. and Ana Maria de Almeida and Nunes, L. , "Predicting hotel booking cancellations to decrease uncertainty and increase revenue", Tourism & Management Studies, vol. 13, pp. 25-39, 2017 [ DOI ]
(1 publication)- Salgueiro, R. and Ana Maria de Almeida and Oliveira, O. , "New genetic algorithm approach for the min-degree constrained minimum spanning tree", European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 258, pp. 877-886, 2016 [ DOI ]
(1 publication)- Figueiredo, M. and Ribeiro, B. and Ana Maria de Almeida , "Analysis of Trends in Seasonal Electrical Energy Consumption via Non-negative Tensor Factorization,", Neurocomputing, Elsevier, vol. 170, pp. 318-327, 2015 [ DOI ]
(2 publications)- Figueiredo, M. and Ribeiro, B. and Ana Maria de Almeida , "Electrical signal source separation via non-negative tensor factorization using on-site measurements in a smart home", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 63, pp. 364-373, 2014 [ DOI ]
- Garrido, R. and Bastos, A. and Ana Maria de Almeida and Elvas, J.P. , "Prediction of Road Accident Severity Using the Ordered Probit Model", Transportation Research Procedia, vol. 3, pp. 214-223, 2014 [ DOI ]
(2 publications)- Ana Maria de Almeida and Souza, M. and Martins, P.C. , "Min-Degree Constrained Minimum Spanning Tree Problem: Complexity, properties and formulations", ITOR International transactions in Operational Research, vol. 19, pp. 323-352, 2012
- Figueiredo, M. and Ana Maria de Almeida and Ribeiro, B. , "Home Electrical Signal Disaggregation for Non-intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) Systems", Neurocomputing, Elsevier, vol. 96, pp. 66-73, 2012 [ DOI ]
(1 publication)2003
(1 publication)- Ana Maria de Almeida and Rodrigues, R. , "Trees, slices and wheels: on the floorplan area minimization problem", Networks, vol. 41, pp. 235-244, 2003 [ DOI ]
(1 publication)1998
(1 publication)Conference Articles
(3 publications)- Taborda, B. and Ana Maria de Almeida and Santos, F. and Eloy, S. and , K.K. , "Shaper-GA: Automatic shape generation for modular house design", in GECCO-The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2018, 2018 [ DOI ]
- Pascoal, R. and Alturas, B. and Ana Maria de Almeida and Sofia, R. , "A survey of augmented reality: Making technology acceptable in outdoor environments", in 2018 13th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), 2018 [ DOI ]
- Rhongo, D. and Ana Maria de Almeida and David, N. , "eGovernment in Mozambique: Past, Future and New Prospects", in IST-Africa 2018, 2018
(4 publications)- Roza, V. and Ana Maria de Almeida and Postolache, O. , "Design of an Artificial Neural Network and Feature Extraction to Identify Arrhythmias from ECG", in 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), 2017 [ DOI ]
- Pascoal, R. and Ribeiro, R. and Batista, F. and Ana Maria de Almeida , "Adapting Speech Recognition in Augmented Reality for Mobile Devices in Outdoor Environments", in SLATE'17 Symposium on Languages Applications and Technologies, 2017
- António, N. and Ana Maria de Almeida and Nunes, L. , "Predicting Hotel Bookings Cancellation With a Machine Learning Classification Model", in 16th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, 2017 [ DOI ]
- António, N. and Ana Maria de Almeida and Nunes, L. , " Enabling bookings cancellation prediction with data science", in 4th World Research Summit for Tourism and Hospitality , 2017
(3 publications)- António, N. and Nunes, L. and Ana Maria de Almeida , "Predicting hotel booking cancellations to decrease uncertainty and increase revenue", in TMS Algarve 2016 - Tourism and Management Studies International Conference , 2016
- Ana Maria de Almeida and Taborda, B. and Santos, F. and , K.K. and Eloy, S. , "A genetic algorithm application for automatic layout design of modular residential homes", in IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 2016 , 2016 [ DOI ]
- , K.K. and Santos, F. and Ana Maria de Almeida and Taborda, B. and Eloy, S. , "Wood Mass-Customized Housing: A dual computer implementation design strategy", in 34th eCAADe Conference - Complexity & Simplicity , 2016 [ DOI ]
(1 publication)- Ana Maria de Almeida , "Non-negative Matrix Factorization using posrank-based approximation decompositions", in EUROCON 2015 - International Conference on Computer as a Tool (EUROCON), IEEE, 2015 [ DOI ]
(4 publications)- Rhongo, D. and Ana Maria de Almeida and David, N. , "MOBILE GOVERNMENT COMO ALTERNATIVA PARA INCLUSÃO DIGITAL E REFORÇO DA DISSEMINAÇÃO DO E-GOVERNMENT E E-GOVERNANCE EM MOÇAMBIQUE", in 7º Congresso Luso - Moçambicano de Engenharia, 2014
- Figueiredo, M. and Ribeiro, B. and Ana Maria de Almeida , "Exploring the Performance of Non-negative Multi-way Factorization for Household Electrical Seasonal Consumption Disaggregation", in IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) , 2014
- Bastos, A. and Ana Maria de Almeida and Garrido, R. and Elvas, J.P. , "Prediction of road accident severity using the ordered probit model", in Euro Working Group on Transportation 2014, 2014
- Figueiredo, M. and Ana Maria de Almeida and Ribeiro, B. , "On the Optimization of Appliance Loads Inferred by Probabilistic Models", in NILM Workshop 2014, 2014
(4 publications)- Figueiredo, M. and Ribeiro, B. and Ana Maria de Almeida , "On the regularization parameter selection for sparse code learning in electrical source separation", in Proc. Intl. Conf. on Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms, pp. 277-286, LNCS 7824, 2013
- Figueiredo, M. and Ribeiro, B. and Ana Maria de Almeida , "Forecasting the Usage of Home Appliances with Denoised Signal Patterns", in 19th edition of the Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition., 2013
- Ilharco, A. and Bastos, A. and Elvas, J.P. and Ana Maria de Almeida , "Generation of road accident risk maps", in CITTA 6th Annual Conference on Planning Research, 2013
- Rhongo, D. and David, N. and Ana Maria de Almeida , "Métodos de Implementação de e-Government em Países em vias de desenvolvimento", in 3ª Conferência Nacional sobre Ciência e Tecnologia, 2013
(3 publications)- Figueiredo, M. and Ana Maria de Almeida and Ribeiro, B. , "Another perspective on NILM systems for informed energy consumer behavior", in International Workshop on Energy Efficiency for a More Sustainable World, September, 2012, 2012
- Ana Maria de Almeida and Figueiredo, M. and Ribeiro, B. , "Non Intrusive Load Monitoring Revisited", in PCEEE Portugal em Conferencia para uma Europa Energeticamente Inteligente, Portugal, Junho 2012, 2012
- Ana Maria de Almeida and Salgueiro, R. and Oliveira, O. , "Min-Degree Constrained MST Problem: an evolutionary approach", in International Conference on Bioinspired Optimization Methods and their Applications, 2012
(8 publications)- Figueiredo, M. and Ana Maria de Almeida and Ribeiro, B. , "An Experimental Study on Electrical Signature Identification of non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) systems", in Proc Intl Conf on Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms, pp 31-40, Part II, LNCS 6594, 2011
- Figueiredo, M. and Ana Maria de Almeida and Ribeiro, B. , "Non-intrusive Residential Electrical Consumption Traces", in Ambient Intelligence - Software and Applications - 2nd International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence, (ISAmI2011), Springer, Vol. 92,pp. 51-58, 2011 (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-19937-0_7), 2011
- Ana Maria de Almeida , "About Nonnegative Matrix Factorization: on the posrank approximation", in Proc Intl Conf on Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms, Part II, LNCS 6594, 2011, 2011
- Figueiredo, M. and Ana Maria de Almeida and Ribeiro, B. , "Wavelet Decomposition and Singular Spectrum Analysis for Electrical Signal Denoising", in Proc of the IEEE Intl Conf on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC2011), pp.3329-3334, 2011 (DOI: 10.1109/ICSMC.2011.6084183), 2011
- Figueiredo, M. and Ana Maria de Almeida and Ribeiro, B. , "Smart Home: A Novel Model for Denoising an Electrical Signal", in Proc of Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2011) pp.784-789, 2011 (DOI: 10.1109/ISDA.2011.6121752), 2011
- Figueiredo, M. and Ana Maria de Almeida and Ribeiro, B. , "Impact of Temporal Window-size on Pattern Denoising of a Smart Home Electrical Signal", in 17th Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition (RecPad), 2011
- Ana Maria de Almeida , "On an optimization model for Approximate Nonnegative Matrix Factorization", in ISCIES - International Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Engineering System, 2011
- Ana Maria de Almeida and Ben-Akiva, M. and Pereira, F.C. and Ghauche, A. and Guevara, C.A. and Niza, S. and Zegras, C. , "The virtual city with real decisions: iTEAM", in 7VCT, 7th Virtual Cities and Territories,, 2011
(3 publications)- Ana Maria de Almeida and Souza, M. and Martins, P.C. , "The md-MST Problem is NP-hard for d >= 3", in ISCO 2010 International Symposium in Combinatorial Optimization, , Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 36:9-15, 2010, 2010
- Figueiredo, M. and Ana Maria de Almeida and Ribeiro, B. and Martins, A. , "Extracting features from an electrical signal of a non-intrusive load monitoring system", in Proc Int Conf on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning, pp 210-217, LNCS 6283, 2010
- Ana Maria de Almeida and Figueiredo, M. , "On the three-dimensional bin packing using rotations", in EngOpt - International Conference on Engineering Optimization, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 36:9-15, 2010, 2010
(3 publications)- Ana Maria de Almeida and Fernandes, J. and Pascoal, M.M.B. and Pereira, S.S. , "Experimental learning in Sciences: getting the lab inside the classroom using the Web", in ICALT 2009, the 9th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2009
- Ana Maria de Almeida and Júdice, J. and Fernandes, L. and Patrício, J. , "On the computation of a nonnegative matrix factorization and its application in telecommunications,", in Conftele 2009, The 7th Conference on Telecommunications, 2009
- Ana Maria de Almeida and Ben-Akiva, M. and Pereira, F.C. and Ghauche, A. and Guevara, C.A. and Niza, S. and Zegras, C. , "A Framework for Integrated Modeling of Urban Systems", in ISOCARP 2009, 2009
(4 publications)- Pacheco, A.I.N.d.B.d.A. and Gomes, A. and Henriques, J.G. and Ana Maria de Almeida and Antonio Jose Mendes , "Mathematics and Programming: Some studies", in International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies - CompSysTech08, vol. 374, 2008
- Pacheco, A.I.N.d.B.d.A. and Gomes, A. and Henriques, J.G. and Ana Maria de Almeida and Antonio Jose Mendes , "A study on basic mathematics knowledge for the enhancement of programming learning skills", in Informatics Education Europe III - IEEIII08, 2008
- Pereira, S.S. and Ana Maria de Almeida and Marcelino, M.J.P. , "Teaching Mathematics supported by a web-based project and real data", in E_Learn 2008 World Conference in E-Learning in Corporate Government, Health Care, & Higher Education, 2008
- Pereira, S.S. and Ana Maria de Almeida and Fernandes, J. and Marcelino, M.J.P. , "STUDYING THE SUN IN THE CLASSROOM USING A SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH", in EDMEDIA08 â?? World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications,, 2008
Book Chapters
(1 publication)- António, N. and Ana Maria de Almeida and Nunes, L. , "Using Data Science to Predict Hotel Booking Cancellations", in Handbook of Research on Holistic Optimization Techniques in the Hospitality, Tourism, and Travel Industry, vol. 1, pp. 141-167, 2016 [ DOI ]